Showing 12511 results

Authority record

Tunstall, William Cuthbert Brian

  • CA QUA01112
  • Person
  • 1900-1970

William Cuthbert Brain Tunstall (known as Brian Tunstall), military historian and educator, was born in 1900. He graduated from Haileybury College and St. John's College, Cambridge with an M.A. in 1921. He taught at Oundle Boys School, Weymouth College and then as Naval History Lecturer, Royal Naval College Greenwich, 1925-1937. Tunstall was early involved in broadcasting, having presented a weekly series of talks for school children entitled "Tracing History Backwards" for the B.B.C. in 1931. During World War II, from 1941-1945, Tunstall worked at B.B.C. as naval correspondent. He also monitored German news broadcasts on naval affairs in order to respond. Tunstall wrote for various publications of the Ministry of Information and was the author of many books on naval and defence projects. After World War II, Tunstall was Senior Lecturer in International Economics at the London School of Economics from 1945-1954. On his retirement Tunstall Came to canada to teach history at the Royal Military College, 1965-1966. Mr. Tunstall died in 1970.

Tulchinsky, Gerald

  • CA QUA01193
  • Person
  • 1933-2017

Gerald J.J. Tulchinsky was born in in 1933 in Brantford, Ontario, where he completed his schooling. He attended the University of Toronto and McGill University and graduated with a Ph.D. from Toronto in 1971. He taught at Loyola College, Montreal, and the University of Saskatchewan before coming to Queen's in 1966 with his wife, Ruth, and three children. He taught courses on urbanization, the Jewish experience in North America and the Holocaust, in the Department of History, and was also the Director of the Jewish Studies Programme at Queen's from 1999 to 2002. He became Professor Emeritus in 2002. Dr. Tulchinsky's published work includes a two-volume history of the Jews in Canada: Taking Root: The Origins of the Canadian Jewish Community (1992) and Branching Out: The Transformation of the Canadian Jewish Community (1998) It also includes Canada's Jews: A People's Journey (2008), which is considered an update on the previous two-volumes. He also has published Joe Salsberg: a Life of Commitment (2013). Dr. Tulchinsky was a member of the Canadian Historical Association, the Association for Jewish Studies and the Canadian Jewish Historical Society and has given numerous papers and commentaries at their meetings as well as at the gatherings of the Canadian Conference on Quantitative Methods and at other historical conferences and colloquia in Canada, Israel and Britain. Dr.Tulchinsky passed away in Kingston, Ontario on December 13, 2017.

Tufts, John Freeman

  • CA QUA00230
  • Person
  • 1843-1921

Professor, Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S.

Tuck, James A.

  • CA QUA11298
  • Person

No information is available about this creator.

Tschantz, Russell E.

  • CA QUA11486
  • Person
  • fl. 1940s

Russell Tschantz was a Lieutenant in the "C" Company of the 755 Tank Battalion of the US Army.

Truman, M.P.

  • CA QUA11972
  • Person
  • fl. 1939

M.P. Truman was a student in the School of Mining at Queen's University.

Trueman, Howard Lewis

  • CA QUA02821
  • Person
  • 1897-1992

Howard l. Trueman was a research scientist with the Department of Agriculture. He served on the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society from 1940 to 1983.

True Davidson

  • CA QUA06064
  • Person
  • 1901-1978

No information available on this creator.

Trudy Vanderkooy

  • CA QUA09984
  • Person
  • fl. 1980s

No information is available about this creator.

Results 991 to 1000 of 12511