- CA QUA05504
- Persona
- 1932-
Ann Herrick Graham (née Hunt) was a graduate of Queen's University, B.A 1953.
Ann Herrick Graham (née Hunt) was a graduate of Queen's University, B.A 1953.
Katie Irving was an interviewer who worked on the Oral History Project for the Office of the Dean of Women at Queen's University.
Susan Jackson was an interviewer who worked on the Oral History Project for the Office of the Dean of Women at Queen's University.
Dr. Hilda Laird was a graduate of Queen's University, B.A 1918, B.L.S (Pratt), PhD 1940 (Cornell). She was the Dean of Women at Queen's University from 1925-1934, and Head of the Department of German 1948-1962.
Elizabeth Pauline MaCallum was a graduate of Queen's University, B.A 1917, M.A 1919, L.L.D 1952.
M. McGroarty was an interviewer who worked on the Oral History Project for the Office of the Dean of Women at Queen's University.
Mildred Katherine Nobles was a graduate of Queen's University, B.A 1929, and M.A 1931, PhD 1935 from University of Toronto.
Lillian Preston (née Gilbert) was the secretary to the Dean of Applied Science at Queen's University. She worked in the Faculty of Applied Science for 50 years: from 1931 to 1981. Preston was secretary to a total of nine deans and acting deans over the decades.