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Spragge, Shirley Campbell

  • CA QUA02058
  • Persona
  • 22 Jul. 1929-11 Aug. 1995

Dr. Shirley Spragge was the University Archivist at Queen's University Archives from 1992 to 1994. Born in Toronto on 22 July 1929, she received an honours degree in History from the University of Toronto in 1952, and completed her MA (1974) and her PhD (1986) in History at Queen's University. She had earlier completed the archives administration course at the Public Archives of Canada in 1973. She married Godfrey Spragge in 1953, and had two sons.
Dr. Spragge began her career at Cornell University Archives in the early 1970s, and joined the staff at Queen's University Archives in 1979. A founding member of the Ontario Women's History Network, she was active in local history, women's history, and women and theology groups. She also served on the Inter-faith Council at Queen's University.
Shortly after her retirement, Dr. Spragge passed away on 11 August 1995.

Corneil, Frederick Maurice

  • CA QUA02070
  • Persona
  • 190?-199?

Frederick Maurice Corneil graduated from Queen's in 1923 (Science '23) and went on to become one of four divisional engineers on the International Rapids Section of the St. Lawrence Seaway project.

Quattrocchi, Philip

  • CA QUA02078
  • Persona
  • 1919-1997

Mr. Philip Quattrocchi (1919-1997) was born in Termini, Italy, near Palarmo. His family sailed for America around 1920 and moved to Belleville, Ontario in 1923. A few years later the family moved to Perth, Ontario where Phil's father started a fruit business. Times were rough and Phil left school at the age of fifteen to help in the family business. In 1939, Phil joined the RCAF and served in this capacity throughout World War II. At the end of the war Phil returned to Canada where he settled in Kingston and set up a fruit business of his own. Between 1952 and his death Phil Quattrocchi was involved in many projects for the community of Kingston and district. Among other projects, he was involved with fund raising for the Canadian Cancer Society (1952-57), Vietnamese Boat People (1979), earthquake victims in Friuli, Italy (1976), and the Hotel Dieu Hospital. He was a representative for the Italian Consulate (1960-80) and Founder of the Kingston Winter Carnival (1963). In 1989 he was awarded the Ontario Medal of Citizenship for work with local prison inmates - providing them with jobs and support for over twenty-five years. He is, perhaps, best known to Kingstonians for his active role as founder, in 1969, of Historic Hockey - a re-enactment of the 1886 hockey game between Queen's University and the Royal Military Academy. He died enexpectedly in a motor vehicle accident in 1997.

Spencer, John H.

  • CA QUA02079
  • Persona
  • 1933-2012

John Spencer was born in Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, England, on April 10, 1933. Dr. Spencer received his B.Sc. from St. Andrews University (Scotland) in Chemistry and Biochemistry in 1955, and earned his B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biochemistry from the same institution in 1956. In 1960 he received his PhD in Biochemistry from McGill University in Montreal, and conducted post-doctoral studies there, and at Columbia University, from 1959 to 1961. John H. Spencer began his teaching career at Queen's University in 1978 as a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, serving as Head of that department until 1990. Prior to his tenure at Queen's University, Dr. Spencer taught at McGill University in Montreal from 1961 to 1978. He was the recipient of several Fellowships as a post-doctoral student. In 1987-88 Dr. Spencer was a visiting scientist, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, at Bethesda, Maryland, and was Professor Invite, Department de Biochimie, Université de Montreal from 1992-93. Dr. Spencer was a member of numerous science-oriented societies and organizations (including the Canadian Biochemical Society, Canadian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sigma Xi, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Royal Society of Canada, among others), served on dozens of committees, acted as a reviewer for journals, graduate studies programmes and granting agencies, supervised many graduate and doctoral students, and received several awards. He is author and co-author of over 100 articles, abstracts, and chapters, and has published two books: The Physics and Chemistry of DNA and RNA (1972), and Planet Earth: Problems and Prospects (co-ed. 1995). Spencer was a frequent speaker at biochemical symposia around the world, and was considered one of the pioneers in developing methodology for DNA sequence analysis, whereby genetic information from DNA can be read directly. In 1989 Dr. Spencer was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his research work. Dr. Spencer retired from the Department of Biochemistry in 1998 but maintained his ties with Queen's University as Professor Emeritus. He passed away in Kingston in 2012.

Geddes, John A.

  • CA QUA02083
  • Persona
  • 1881-20 Apr. 1966

John A. Geddes was born near Elphin, on the Maberly Road, one of the younger sons of Ebenezer Geddes and Catherine Ferguson. The family moved to Snow Road while John was a very small child and he remained there for the rest of his life. In 1904, John A. married Blance Allan.

For a time Mr. Geddes was employed as a clerk in lumber camps and then after a long bout with typhoid he purchased the General Store at Snow Road in 1912. In 1914, he became Postmaster and in 1915, caretaker/agent for the CPR station.

John A.'s General Store was the center of village life, one came here to shop, pick up the mail and to take the train. More than just a place of business, it was here that the local "Wind Jammers Club" held forth, playing checkers and swapping yarns. Mr. Geddes also ran dances in a converted store house on his property and he was an active member of the Presbyterian Church, the International Order of Odd Fellows and was for many years Secretary of the School Board.

Mr. Geddes died 20 April 1966, a week before his 85th birthday, and Mrs. Geddes followed him on 27 May at 85 years.

Rice, William Bothwell

  • CA QUA02092
  • Persona
  • 1918-

William Bothwell Rice was born in Montreal, Quebec, on June 10, 1918. He married Hilda Tait, and they had three children.
William B. Rice began his teaching career at Queen's University in 1950 as an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He was promoted to Professor in 1962, and from 1973 to 1978 served as Head of the department. Prior to his tenure at Queen's University, Dr. Rice was an Assistant Professor at McGill University and consulted as a design engineer in private industry.
Dr. Rice graduated from McGill University in 1944 with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering. In 1950 he was granted a Bachelor of Science degree from Sir George Williams (now Concordia University), and in 1959 received his Doctor of Applied Science degree from Ecole Polytechnique L'Université de Montreal. Between degrees, and before his appointment to Queen's in 1950, Dr. Rice worked with the Northern Electrical Company, and with the DuPont Company of Canada through the summers of the 1950s.
During his undergraduate career Dr. Rice was a member of the McGill University Air Training Corps. He joined the Royal Canadian Navy in 1944 at the rank of Lieutenant on completion of his undergraduate studies, and was on active service until 1945. Dr. Rice joined the Queen's University squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1957 as a flight-lieutenant and training officer, and became Wing Commander of the squadron in 1960.
An engineer with industrial experience in manufacturing, Dr. Rice was a pioneer in manufacturing research at Canadian universities. His contribution to this field was recognized in 1966 when he was elected the first Canadian member of the International Institute for Production Engineering Research. He is the author of a number of technical papers, he has been chairman of the Production Engineering Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and was co-founder of the North American Manufacturing Research Conference. In 1980 Dr. Rice was elected President of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineers (CSME) which he helped found, in 1981 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), and in 1985 he was awarded the Engineer's Medal for Research and Development by the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (APEO). For a quarter-century Dr. Rice's research was funded by the Defense Research Board an the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, for which he twice served as Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Grant Selection Committee. He is a Fellow of both the SME and the ASME. A Registered Professional Engineer, Dr. Rice served on several Canadian Accreditation Board teams, and has been chairman of the Engineering Graduate School at Queen's.
Dr. Rice retired from the Department of Mechanical Engineering in but maintains his ties with Queen's University as Professor Emeritus.

Chiang, Jack

  • CA QUA02095
  • Persona
  • 1950-

Jack Chiang, a prominent Kingston photographer, was born on 20 March 1950 in a village near Canton, China. The Chiang family left China at the time of the Communist takeover; going first to Macau, a Portuguese colony, and then to the British colony of Hong Kong. Although his family was extremely poor, Mr. Chiang was able to finish high school and then, with the help of scholarships, attend university. He pursued a Bachelor of Arts degree at the National Taiwan University, where he studied foreign languages and literature, particularly French and English. After receiving his degree in 1972, Jack Chiang was granted a research assistantship in order to pursue his Masters in journalism at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

After immigrating to Canada in 1974, Mr. Chiang began work as a reporter, in 1975, for the “Orillia Packet and Times”. In November 1977, he became a photographer for the “Kingston Whig-Standard”, the daily for which Chiang has worked ever since. Over the course of his career at the “Whig-Standard”, Mr. Chiang has worked as both a photographer and a reporter, both at home and abroad. Since 1980, he has been the Picture Editor for the newspaper and has held other managerial positions, including City Editor, Region Editor and Sports Editor, simultaneous to it.

Mr. Chiang has won more than two dozen awards for his photography, including Canadian Press Picture of the Month and Ontario News Photographers’ Association Picture of the Year (News and Sports) as well as their Picture of the Month. His pictures have appeared in the “New York Times”, the “Christian Science Monitor”, “Moscow News” and “Reader’s Digest” as well as every major newspaper in Canada. As well, the cover photographs for both editions of “Images of Kingston” were selected to hang in the front lobby of Kodak Canada head office in Toronto. In 1990, the first edition of Mr. Chiang’s “Images of Kingston” was published. The second edition followed eight years later. In addition, Chiang’s photography has appeared in a number of other books.

Active in a number of community fundraising campaigns, Mr. Chiang has been involved with the annual Easter Seals Telethon, as an on-air host; the Community Foundation of Greater Kingston; and the Boys and Girls Club. Since 1995, he has been the honorary chairman of the annual Salvation Army Hamper campaign. In 1999, he was the honorary co-chairman of the United Way campaign and in 2000, the honorary chairman of the Save the Kingston Exhibition campaign. Jack Chiang is also the founder and president of the National Association for the Easily Amused, an organization for those who think laughter is the best medicine.

In 1977, Jack Chiang married his first wife Larraine Mullen. They have two sons: Jeffrey, born in 1984, and Christopher, born in 1987. The marriage ended in 1989. In August 1996, he married Catherine Lincoln.

Catherine Diane Lincoln, a Kingston teacher and principal, was born on 31 May 1950 in Shawinigan, Quebec. She is the eldest child of Donald and Anna Lincoln. In 1966, she moved to Niagara Falls, Ontario, to live with her aunt and finish high school. She graduated from A.N. Myer Secondary School in 1969. Ms. Lincoln-Chiang received her Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education from Queen’s University in 1976 and 1977 respectively. She taught in Orangeville before moving back to Kingston with her two sons, Adrian and Alastair, in 1981. For the next five years, she taught for the Frontenac County Board of Education and then starting in 1986 she worked as a consultant for French as a Second Language with the Board for two years. Following this, Ms. Lincoln-Chiang became the Vice Principal of Polson Park Public School, Kingston. The next year, she was promoted to Principal of the same school. Ms. Lincoln-Chiang is currently the Principal of Central Public School, Kingston. Ms. Lincoln-Chiang regularly accompanies and aids Jack on his photographic expeditions to various part of the country.

Whitehorse Mining Initiative

  • CA QUA02097
  • Entidad colectiva
  • n.d.

To address the needs of Canada's struggling mining industry, Canada's mining ministers and the Mining Association of Canada supported a consensus-making process that brought stakeholders together over a two-year period. Leaders from industry, government, First Nations peoples, plus labour and environmental representatives, met to identify and address the key issues facing the mining sector. The result was the formation of the Whitehorse Mining Initiative (WMI).

Industry and government officials met in October 1992, to initiate detailed planning for the WMI. Out of this meeting a Planning Committee was appointed. In November, of the same year, the Planning Committee proposed that a broader group of interested parties be convened. At a multi-stakeholder consultation, held 10-12 February 1993, the WMI's objectives were confirmed and clarified, issues were identified and suggestions were made about the process and mechanism. Funding was to be provided by the Provincial and Federal governments, and the Mining Association of Canada.

The WMI was spearheaded by a Leadership Council, composed of government ministers, senior executives and officials from each of the sectors. The Leadership Council is coordinated and supported by a Working Group, also composed of representatives from each of the participating sectors, although at the senior working level. Four multi-stakeholder issue groups, Land Access, Environment, Workplace, and Finance/taxation were formed to address the four main issue areas identified as being important to the mineral industry. Finally, a secretariat was created to play an overall coordinating and support role for all of these bodies, as ell as being responsible for supporting and coordinating the issue groups and assisting them in the preparation of their final reports.

In addition, a Communications and Implementation Committee was established, meeting for the first time on 13 December 1993. Its membership cut across all three levels, although mainly composed from the Leadership Council. It was charged with managing the process to ensure the Leadership Council reached the Mines Ministers Conference with a document agreed upon by all parties of the Whitehorse Mining Initiative. This turned out to be the Whitehorse Mining Accord, which was presented to the MMC on 13 September 1994, in Victoria, British Columbia.

Sparks, Dr. Ernest

  • CA QUA02098
  • Persona
  • n.d.

Dr. Ernest Sparks was a dental surgeon who served with Queen's Hospital in the First World War.

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