Showing 12511 results

Authority record

The Caledonian Club

  • CA QUA10887
  • Corporate body
  • fl. 1930s

No information is available about this creator.

The Bulletin

  • CA QUA09174
  • Corporate body
  • fl. 1940s

The Bulletin is a newspaper.

The Broadcast Trust

  • CA QUA02316
  • Corporate body
  • n.d.

Founded in the mid-1970's in Kingston, Ontario, and established as a registered Canadian charity since 1979, The Broadcast Trust seeks to have Christian education carried out among members of the community. This objective is accomplished by publishing statements from Christian Literature in newspapers for those who may have lost contact with their church. The Trust has been continuously active since the mid-1970's. The original three trustees were the late Rev. Canon John Ames Coombes, Dr.Donald M. Schurman, and the late Dr. John S. Ellis. These three individuals were joined soon after by Dr. Ross S. Kilpatrick. More recently, the Rector of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral in Kingston, was invited to nominate two further trustees. There is now too, a "Friends of the The Broadcast Trust", whose members support this Ministry of the Christian Word through the secular press, prayer, and financial donations.

The British Weekly

  • CA QUA09092
  • Corporate body
  • fl. 1940s

The British Weekly is a newspaper.

The Brazen Nose

  • CA QUA11044
  • Corporate body
  • fl. 1970s

No information is available about this creator.

The Book Room Ltd.

  • CA QUA12150
  • Corporate body
  • n.d.

The Book Room Ltd. was a printer based in Halifax, NS.

The Bantling

  • CA QUA01041
  • Corporate body
  • 1858-1859

The Bantling was a newspaper from Napanee, Ontario. Started in 1858 by Mr. F.M. Blakely, the paper sought to present "an agreeable melange of the notable events and literature of the day, its columns will always contain a goodly selection of the cream of domestic and foreign news, so condensed as to present the largest possible amount of intelligence in the smallest space — the whole, well spiced with wit and humour. In politics and upon all sectarian questions it will be strictly impartial." The paper ceased operations upon Mr. Blakely's death in 1959.

The Ark

  • CA QUA08436
  • Person
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

The Alma Mater Society of Queen's University

  • CA QUA01579
  • Corporate body
  • 1858-

The oldest student association in Canada, the Alma Mater Society has been the central student organization at Queen's since its founding in 1858. Its original goals were social and academic, as well as, political, which were to promote "the maintenance and defence of students' rights, the interchange of friendly intercourse, the promotion and encouragement of learning, and the furtherance of the general interests of the University." It grew out of the old Dialectic Society, a debating association, founded in 1843. It officially remained a debating society until late in the century. Gradually, however, it also took on more and more responsibility for student affairs, as well as for actual student self-government; that is, for the maintenance of non-academic student discipline. This responsibility began informally to be delegated to students in the 1880s, and in 1898, it was officially delegated by the University Senate to the Alma Mater Society, and the latter's new "AMS Court." In the same year, the AMS overhauled its constitution, and adopted roughly its modern role of representing the views of students, plus coordinating and financing other student societies.

Today, the AMS acts as a service, advocacy, and governing body on behalf of all students, except those enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies and Research, who had left in 1982, to form their own graduate student society (which over time became the Society for Professional and Graduate Students or SPGS. Among the many services the AMS operates, or oversees, are two campus bars, Alfie's, and the Queen's Pub, the "Queen's Journal" newspaper, Common Ground coffeehouse, the Student Constable system, more than one hundred (100) student clubs, the "Who's Where" student directory, and the "Tricolour Yearbook". It also sponsors, or co-sponsors, many campus events, including Orientation Week and Alumni Weekend. The AMS Judicial Committee now plays the role of the original AMS Court . The AMS has an elected Assembly of representatives from the student faculty societies, a ten-person Council, headed by an elected three-person Executive (one President and two Vice-Presidents). Members of the Executive are ex-officio observers on the Board of Trustees and one representative of the AMS is an ex-officio member of the Senate. The Principal meets regularly with the Executive to discuss issues of particular concern to students. A new AMS Executive is elected by students every Spring. The Society's offices are located in the John Deutsch University Centre .

Results 1281 to 1290 of 12511