Mostrando 12511 resultados

Registro de autoridad

Smith, Henry

  • CA QUA12524
  • Persona
  • 1812-1868

Henry Smith, a politicia, lawyer, and land speculator, was born 23 April 1812 in London, England. He immigrated to Canada with his parents before 1818. The family settled in Montreal, where Henry attended Benjamin Workman’s private school, and, after they moved to Kingston in the early 1820s, he completed his education at the Midland District Grammar School. He studied law under Christopher Hagerman and Thomas Kirkpatrick, and was admitted to the bar in 1834. He was appointed QC in 1846, and became a lwayer for the Grand Trunk Railway in Kingston in 1853.
In 1841, Smith was elected to the Legislative Assembly for Frontenac and held the seat until 1861, when he decided to leave the Conservative party. After two subsequent failed runs, he regained his seat in 1867, but fell ill shortly thereafter. He died in Kingston, Ontario on 18 September 1868.

Nagle, Kevin T.

  • CA QUA00508
  • Persona
  • 1928-29 Nov. 2003

Kevin T. Nagle worked with Queen's Television at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. Born in 1928, he was married to Alice Eleanor Gordon. He passed away on 29 November 2003 in Kingston.

Smith (family)

  • CA QUA01721
  • Familia
  • fl. 1900s

Ira Smith and his son, Wendell, ran the Long Lake Cheese Factory in Parham, Ontario. The family also operated a general store in the same area.

Brigden, Corry William

  • CA QUA00975
  • Persona
  • 1912-1979

Corry William Brigden was an artist.

Forsythe family

  • CA QUA07680
  • Familia
  • fl. 1920

No information is known about this creator

Family and Children's Services of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington

  • CA QUA05970
  • Entidad colectiva
  • 1 Apr. 2012-

On April 1, 2012, the Children's Aid Society of the City of Kingston and County of Frontenac and Lennox and Addington Family and Children's Services finalized their amalgamation, creating the Family and Children's Services of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington. Ontario

Robins, Lewis James

  • CA QUA07338
  • Persona
  • fl. 1804

Lewis James Robins of the town of Kingston, yeoman. Baptized at St. George's Church, 1804.

Aykroyd, Peter H.

  • CA QUA00569
  • Persona
  • 1922-

No information is known about this creator

Bishop (family)

  • CA QUA09535
  • Familia
  • fl. 1800

No information is known about this creator

Resultados 1341 a 1350 de 12511