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Authority record- CA QUA11467
- Person
- 1943-
Judith Brown, nee Wellman, was born in Bermuda in 1943. Brown attended Teacher's College in Ottawa in the 1960s after which she returned to Bermuda where she took extension courses from Queen's University. In 1968 she moved to Kingston to fulfill a requirement of having to spend at least one year on campus for the granting of a Bachelor of Arts degree. (BA 1969). Upon graduation Brown stayed in Kingston where she started her professional teaching career. She has served as the Acting Superintendent of education at the Women's Penitentiary, worked at Beechgrove and Ongwanada, and for many years as a primary grades teacher with the Limestone District School Board (LDSB). In her retirement from active teaching, Judith Brown continued to teach in a number of international locations: China, Egypt and Bermuda. She also ran, and was elected as a Trustee on the LDSB.
Judith Brown has always been an active community builder. She was a member, and past president of both the Canadian Federation of University Women and Frontenac PROBUS. She is also a founder of the Afro-Caribe Community Foundation of Kingston. The foundation raises funds for the Robert Sutherland Bursary and Alfie Pierce Admission Award at Queen’s University. She has long served as a mentor to members of black student groups on campus such as Queen’s Black Academic Society and the African and Caribbean Students’ Association and has played an active role in the celebration of Black History Month events on campus and in the community. Judith was the 2019 recipient of the Jim Bennett Award from the Kingston Branch of the Queen’s University Alumni Association for her role in advancing ethnic and racial inclusion and for being a long time champion for change in Kingston and at Queen’s. She is currently a member of University Council.
- CA QUA02854
- Person
- n.d.
Julian Brown is an emeritus professor in Chemistry at Queen's University. Having grown up in Sydney, Australia, Brown met his wife, Kaaren, in Illinois. They married and moved to Kingston in 1962, moved to Australia for several years, and returned to Kingston in 1969. Julian and Kaaren Brown founded the Kingston Prize, Canada’s biennial portrait competition, in 2005.
- CA QUA01798
- Person
- 1900-1990
Newton Price Harcourt Brown was born in Toronto on May 30, 1900, the son of Newton Harcourt and Grace Amanda (Young) Brown. He was educated at the University of Toronto where he received his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages degree in 1925 and his Master of Arts degree in 1926. In 1934 he obtained the Doctor of Philosophy degree from Columbia University.
Professor Brown taught at Queen's University from 1926 to 1929, Brooklyn College, New York, 1930-1931 and the University of Rochester, 1931-1932. In 1934 to 1935 he was a Travelling Fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies. In 1935 he became Professor of French and Chairman of Romance Languages at Washington University, Saint Louis, where he remained for two years. . He then moved to chair the department at Brown University, Providence, R.I., where he taught until retiring in 1969.
He was author of Scientific Organizations in Seventeenth-Century France. His monograph in the scientific activities of the Academie de Caen, 1668-1674, was awarded the Prix Moulin of the Modern Academie Nationale des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres of that city. In the same year he was named an honorary member of that body. The Government of France awarded him the Palmes academiques in 1946.
He was also author of Science and the Human Comedy and editor of The Army's Mister Brown: A family trilogy.
Professor Brown's eighteenth century Voltaire book collection was donated to the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto in 1980.
He was a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Also he was a member of the Modern Language Association of America, the Modern Humanities Research Foundation, the Society for French Studies, the American Association of Teachers of French, and the American Association of University Teachers.
Professor Brown had articles published in many academic periodicals and publications including University of Toronto Quarterly, Studies in the Renaissance, Studies on Voltaire and the 18th Century, Diogenes, Isis, Journal of Higher Education, Journal of the History of Ideas, Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Revue d'Historie de la literature francais, Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire du Protestantisme francais, Daedalus, Rendiconti of Accademia Nazionale del Lincei and the Annals of Science.
In 1927 he married Dorothy Elizabeth Stacey, of Toronto. Their daughter, Jennifer Stacey Harcourt Brown, is professor emeritus of history, the University of Winnipeg, and resides in Denver, Colorado.
Professor Brown died in Winnipeg on November 17, 1990.
- CA QUA01419
- Corporate body
- n.d.
The firm of Browne & Harty, wholesale grocers of Kingston, was formed by the partnership of James Browne and James Harty sometime before 1851. The business is first listed on the corner of King and Clarence Streets and indicates that they were also importers. In 1857 they are listed as "wholesale and retail dry goods, grocery and spirit merchants" with establishments on Ontario Street and Market Square. The business was in operation until 1872.