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Freeland, W. Thomson

  • CA QUA11455
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1870-1945

William Thomson Freeland was born in 1870. While very few details of his career have survived, he is known to have had some interest in photographing boats using a large format or panoramic camera as early as the 1890s. He operated a photographic studio for a period of time on Yonge Street in downtown Toronto but it is unknown how long it was in operation or the type of work that was carried out. It is known that Freeland did some work for the Department of Agriculture.

Perhaps his best known photograph is a panoramic photograph of Toronto that is currently housed in the City of Toronto Archives, Library and Archives Canada and the Toronto Reference Library collection. Created in 1903, "this image, comprising the whole horizon, begins and ends at Union Station . . . ". There are other Freeland panoramas in existence from the same period but none approach the size of the Niagara Falls photographs recently uncovered. Freeland died in 1945 at the age of 75.

Trith, J. Robertson

  • CA QUA11456
  • Pessoa singular
  • fl. 1800s

J. Robertson Trith was an artist.

Illustrated London News

  • CA QUA11459
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • 1842-2003

The Illustrated London News appeared first on Saturday 14 May 1842, as the world's first illustrated weekly news magazine.[1] Founded by Herbert Ingram, it appeared weekly until 1971, then less frequently thereafter, and ceased publication in 2003. The company continues today as Illustrated London News Ltd, a publishing, content, and digital agency in London, which holds the publication and business archives of the magazine.

Hider, A.H.

  • CA QUA11457
  • Pessoa singular
  • fl. 1800s

A. H. Hider was an artist.

Hartshorn, Bernard

  • CA QUA11469
  • Pessoa singular
  • fl. 1940s

Bernard Hartshorn was a singer in Kingston, Ontario.

Queen's University. School of Computing

  • CA QUA06185
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • 1969-

Queen's School of Computing was established in 1969. The School offers graduate programs at the Master's and PhD levels and an honours Bachelor's degree. It also offers undergraduate degrees in cooperation with other Science departments at Queen's, as well as a degree in Language and Linguistics and in Cognitive Science.

Ethnicity and Democratic Governance Project

  • CA QUA06816
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • 2007-

The Ethnicity and Democratic Governance Project is an international Canadian-based 5-year SSHRC major collaborative research initiative studying one of the most complex and challenging issues of the world today --- governing ethnic diversity. Through an intensive consultation process involving internationally-based university researchers, students, policy makers, partner organizations and citizens, the project aims to arrive at innovative academic analysis but also practical tools and strategies that citizens and governments can learn from as they work through their own ethno-cultural conflicts and tensions.

Ross, James Sinclair

  • CA QUA11463
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1908-1996

James Sinclair Ross was born in Shellbrook, Saskatchewan on January 22, 1908. 1996). When Ross was seven, his parents separated and Ross was raised by his mother. He left school at 16 to become a clerk at a bank in Abbey, Saskatchewan. Banking became Ross's lifelong career with writing happening in his spare time. His first story, "No Other Way," was published in London, England in 1934. There ensued a productive period of short story writing for small Canadian magazines. Ross's first novel, As For Me and My House, was published in New York in 1941 and was very well received. Ross's next two novels, The Well (1958) and Whir of Gold (1970), failed to garner the same appreciation. Upon retirement from the Royal Bank in 1968, Ross moved to Greece and then to Spain. Ill health prompted his return to Canada in 1980. Ross died in Vancouver in 1996.

Rabko Television Productions Ltd.

  • CA QUA11464
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • fl. 1960s

Based in Toronto, Ontario, Rabko Television Productions was officially incorporated in 1970.

Saunders, Margaret (Maisie) Helen Strickland

  • CA QUA11468
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1898-1985

Margaret (Maisie) Helen Inverarity Stickland Saunders, was born in 1898, and died in Ottawa in 1985. In June of 1918, Maisie and Louis Farquhar Strickland married in Edinburgh Scotland. They had one child. Inverarity and Strickland divorced in 1925 after Maisie had returned to Scotland. Maisie then married William Eric Pentland Saunders in 1926. She was a pioneering aviator, having been within the first fifty women to receive a Royal Aero Club certificate in 1929.

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