Showing 12511 results

Authority record

Stokes, Peter John

  • CA QUA02519
  • Person
  • 1926-2013

Peter John Stokes (1926-2013) was born in England and came to Canada during the Second World War as a "war guest" of the sculptor Jacobine Jones. He studied architecture at the University of Toronto (B. Arch. 1953) and has made his career as a restoration architect. From 1958 to 1961, he was a Restoration Architect at Upper Canada Village. His private practice began in 1961, and has included commissions for the preservation of many early Canadian buildings. Over the years, Peter Stokes has received commissions for architectural work and consultation from many parts of Canada. These include: Consultant to National Historic Sites, Ottawa; Consultant to Westmoreland Historical Society, Sackville, NB; the renovation and restoration of the South African Embassy, Ottawa; Consultant for the restoration of Victoria Hall, Cobourg; and the Alberta Hotel, Edmonton. Mr. Stokes has also done consultation work with Maclennan and Associates for projects at Kingston City Hall and the Old Hay Bay Church. He has published several books on conservation architecture, and has been awarded the Heritage Canada Foundation's Community Service Award and the Gabrielle Leger Medal.

Stockwell, Rupert

  • CA QUA10864
  • Person
  • fl. 1930s

No information is available about this creator.

Stocking, C.A.

  • CA QUA11954
  • Person
  • fl. 1939

C.A. Stocking was a student in the School of Mining at Queen's University.

Stock, Marie

  • CA QUA01853
  • Person
  • n.d.

Toronto, Ont.

St.Lawrence college

  • CA QUA09101
  • Corporate body
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Stirling, John Bertram

  • CA QUA01243
  • Person
  • 1888-1988

John Bertram Stirling (1888-1988) was born in Dundas, Ontario. He entered Queen's University in 1905 where he earned a B.A. in 1909 and a B.Sc., Engineering, in 1911. On graduating from Queen's he was employed by Chipman and Power, Consulting Engineering in Western Canada. He joined E.G.M. Cape and Company of Montreal in 1915 where, except for military service during World war I, he remained until his death in 1988. He held various positions at Cape and Company including Field Engineer, Superintendent, General Superintendent, Chief Engineer, Vice President, President and Chairman of the Board. Dr. Stirling maintained his association with Queen's University where he was a student, President of the Alumni Association, a Trustee, Chairman of the Building Committee, Chancellor (1960-1974), and Chancellor Emeritus (1974-1988).

Stirling, David

  • CA QUA00220
  • Person
  • 1822-1887

Architect, Halifax and Pictou, N.S. Born at Galashiels, Scotland.

Stirling (family)

  • CA QUA01073
  • Family
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Stibbard, Gibson & Co.

  • CA QUA08175
  • Corporate body
  • fl. 1940s

No information is available about this creator.

Results 1511 to 1520 of 12511