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Scott, Harriet

  • CA QUA01035
  • Pessoa singular
  • (1913-2000)

Harriet Scott was librarian for the Branch Library of the Department of Geological Sciences at Queen's Univeristy. She contributed greatly to both the Queen's community and the greater Kingston community. There is a Kingston Symphony Volunteers memorial award in her name which funds applicants from the youth ensembles.

Scovil General Store

  • CA QUA01037
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • 1846-1925?

Samuel Southmayd Scovil was born in Upper Canada in approximately 1818. His grandfather, Uri Scovil, appears to have been the original family member to have settled in Leeds. By 1846 S.S. Scovil was the proprietor of a general store in Portland, Ontario. Apparently Scovil had bought out the business interests of Philip Wing, taking over Wing's store. Scovil's eldest son, Thomas Knowlton, seems to have followed in his father's footsteps. On a number of documents Thomas is listed as a merchant's clerk and, quite possibly, was working for his father. In 1877 Thomas entered into a business partnership with Milton Homer Sherwood and became involved in merchandising both general and medicinal goods. After the death of his father, it is unclear whether Thomas inherited his father's store. There is evidence, however, that by the 1920's a Scovil family member was still operating a general store in Portland, although it is unclear whether that is S.S. Scovil's original store or a new business establishment.

Skelton, Douglas Alexander

  • CA QUA01050
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1907-1950

Alex Skelton (1907-1950), Assistant Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce in Canada, was born in Chicago, Illinois, and moved to Kingston when his father, O.D. Skelton, was Dean of the Faculty of Arts. After obtaining his B.A. degree with honours from Queen's (1927), he attended University College, Oxford, for two years and gained his B.A. in philosophy, politics and economics. When he returned to Canada, he received an appointment as acting professor of political science at the University of Saskatchewan, and in 1931, became economist of the Beauharnois Power Corporation, Montreal. He joined the Bank of Canada in 1935 as chief of the research department, and was made research adviser in 1944. In this capacity, he prepared reports on the financial position of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and served as secretary of the Rowell-Sirois Commission from 1937-1940. While in Lagos, Nigeria at the request of the British government and through his membership on the Royal Commission, he was drowned in a yachting accident.

Smart, William

  • CA QUA01054
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1788-1876

Clergyman, Brockville, Ont.

W.H.B Smythe

  • CA QUA01060
  • Pessoa singular
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Social Planning Council of Kingston and District

  • CA QUA01061
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • 1930-

The Social Planning Council of Kingston and Area (SPC) is a registered charitable organization that has been operated in Kingston, by one name or another since 1930. Throughout its history the SPC has been concerned with the state of social service needs and well-being of residents in Kingston and surrounding Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Counties. An annual report from 1938 stated, "The Kingston Community Council is the planning body and central clearing house for the Social Welfare and Health agencies in the city." Today, the SPC continues to meet the needs of the community members of the City of Kingston and surrounding region.

N. Spence

  • CA QUA01064
  • Pessoa singular
  • n.d.

Merchant, Windsor, N.S.

The Standard (Napanee)

  • CA QUA01067
  • Pessoa coletiva
  • 1854-1886

The Standard was a weekly newspaper publication from Napanee, Ontario that was in operation from 1854-1886. The operation was later absorbed by the Express.

Steven, Alexander Gordon

  • CA QUA01068
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1885-1923

Poet, Melbourne, Australia.

Stevenson, David Barker

  • CA QUA01069
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1801-1859

David Barker Stevenson was a businessman, justice of the peace, office holder, and politician. He was born November 17, 1801 in Clinton (Hyde Park), N.Y., son of Timothy Stevenson and Phoebe Barker. On December 14, 1830 he married Agnes Rebecca Dougall of Hallowell (Picton), Upper Canada, and they had one daughter. He died on March 3, 1859 in Picton.

Stevenson emigrated to Canada in 1824 and took up residence in the village of Hallowell in Prince Edward County where his Barker relatives had previously emigrated. He did business as a general merchant in grain, timber and other commodities. Stevenson had a varied career of public service, at municipal, county and provincial levels. He was a member of Picton's first elected town council (1850) and continued to serve on that body until 1854, at which time he was elected Mayor. He was also a member of the first Municipal Council of Prince Edward District, Warden of the District and, following the Municipal Reform Bill, Warden of the County in 1851-1853. A Conservative in politics, Stevenson was elected member for Prince Edward in the Provincial Parliament in 1848 and twice re-elected. He was defeated in the general election of 1857. Other positions held by Steveson include the presidency of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company, orgainzed at Picton in 1836, and the secretaryship of the Prince Edward County Agricultural Society.

Stevenson's early religious sympathies lay with the Society of Friends, but a few years after his arrival in Hallowell he joined the Church of England, being listed among those renting pews in the new Church of St. Mary Magdalene in 1830.

Resultados 2031 a 2040 de 12513