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Registro de autoridad- CA QUA01076
- Entidad colectiva
- n.d.
No information available on this creator.
- CA QUA01079
- Familia
- 1809-1957
John Strange (1788-1840), emigrated from Glasgow, Scotland in 1814 to America, eventually becoming a merchant at Kingston, Upper Canada. He married Mary McGill of Albany, New York. They had two sons Maxwell William, M.L.A. (1820-1880) and Orlando Sampson, M.D. (b. June 13, 1826, d. 1909). Orlando Sampson Strange was educated at Queen's College, and as a physician (through apprenticeship). He married Miss Emily Maclean of Kingston in 1849, with whom he had eight children, six of whom survived childhood. Orlando occupied many civic positions including: surgeon of Kingston General Hospital, alderman (1852-1854) and Mayor (1859-1860) for the Town of Kingston, surgeon for the A Battery stationed at Kingston (a position from which he was removed on account of his politics). Maxwell William Strange was called to the bar in 1845. He was a politician in addition to being a lawyer, representing Kingston in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario from 1867 to 1871 as a Conservative member. He was also a justice of the peace, police magistrate and vice-president of the Commercial Bank. He married Charlotte Anna Campbell in 1849. They had seven children.
- CA QUA01092
- Entidad colectiva
- n.d.
The Sydenham Ward Tenants' and Ratepayers' Association (SWTRA) was formed in 1967 when ten members of the Sydenham Ward advisory committee on redevelopment decided to form a ratepayers' group that would keep the neighbourhood residents up-to-date on issues concerning the ward. Their chief concerns at that time were the major plans for urban renewal in Sydenham Ward. The group was anxious to protect and preserve the character of the old ward. Since then the SWTRA has expanded and now deals with issues concerning waterfront development, building by-laws, zoning changes, and restoration of historic buildings and sites throughout the ward. SWTRA is in constant communication with the ward aldermen and City Hall to bring the concerns of the wards to their attention. Sydenham Ward's current boundaries are Johnson Street to the North, Lake Ontario to the South and East, and centre and MacDonnell Streets to the West. The Association changed its name to the Sydenham District Association (SDA) to better reflect its expanding role in the community.
- CA QUA01093
- Persona
- 1881-1965
Herbert J. Symington (1881-1965) was born in Sarnia, Ontario. He attended Sarnia Collegiate, the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall. Graduating in 1905, he went to Winnipeg and, in the same year, was called to the Manitoba bar. After serving a brief apprenticeship he began his own practice. From 1906 to 1909 he was the solicitor for the Grand Trunk Railway. He became a railway and freight rates expert, representing all the western provinces in freight rate cases. In 1918 he became a King's Counsel. In 1929 he accepted an an offer to move to Montreal and become vice-president and general counsel of Royal Securities and a director of a number of other large industrial enterprises. In 1936 he was appointed a director of the Canadian National Railways, and in 1937 became a director of Trans-Canada Air Lines where, in 1941, he took over the presidency. In 1947 Symington resigned after six years as the president of TCA, although he remained on the Board of Directors. He had been a director of the C.N.R. for twenty-one years when he resigned in 1957. In 1956 he was appointed to the Canadian Privy Council, an honour rarely bestowed outside the Cabinet. He died in 1965.
- CA QUA01104
- Persona
- 1924-2014
Dr. Hugh Garnet Thorburn (1924-2014 ) was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. He entered Victoria College at the University of Toronto in 1942 but left the next year to join the Canadian Army. Throughout the rest of the Second World War, he served with the Army, rising to the rank of Captain by the time he was discharged in 1946. He returned to Victoria College where he completed an honours course in Political Science and Economics in 1949. From 1949 to 1952 he continued his studies at Columbia University where he was awarded a Ph.D. in 1958. While working on his Ph.D., Hugh Thorburn went to Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, in 1952, as a Lecturer and was appointed Assistant Professor the following year. In 1954-55, he took an appointment as Visiting Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Saskatchewan, returned to Mount Allison for 1955-56, and then accepted an appointment as Assistant Professor at Queen's University in 1956. Since then he has risen through the academic ranks, Associate Professor 1963, Professor 1964, Head of Department of Political Studies 1968-1971 and most recently Professor Emeritus. Dr. Thorburn passed away in Kingston on June 3 2014.
Thousand Islands Area Residents Association
- CA QUA01105
- Entidad colectiva
- 1975-
The Thousand Island Area Residents Association (TIARA) was founded in 1975 to formalize landowner protest against Park Canada's proposed expansion of parkland along the St. Lawrence River.