Affichage de 12513 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Topping, Coral Wesley

  • CA QUA01106
  • Personne
  • n.d.

Professor of criminology and sociology, Vancouver, B.C.

Tunstall, William Cuthbert Brian

  • CA QUA01112
  • Personne
  • 1900-1970

William Cuthbert Brain Tunstall (known as Brian Tunstall), military historian and educator, was born in 1900. He graduated from Haileybury College and St. John's College, Cambridge with an M.A. in 1921. He taught at Oundle Boys School, Weymouth College and then as Naval History Lecturer, Royal Naval College Greenwich, 1925-1937. Tunstall was early involved in broadcasting, having presented a weekly series of talks for school children entitled "Tracing History Backwards" for the B.B.C. in 1931. During World War II, from 1941-1945, Tunstall worked at B.B.C. as naval correspondent. He also monitored German news broadcasts on naval affairs in order to respond. Tunstall wrote for various publications of the Ministry of Information and was the author of many books on naval and defence projects. After World War II, Tunstall was Senior Lecturer in International Economics at the London School of Economics from 1945-1954. On his retirement Tunstall Came to canada to teach history at the Royal Military College, 1965-1966. Mr. Tunstall died in 1970.

Tynan, Katharine

  • CA QUA01116
  • Personne
  • 1861-1931

Writer, Ireland.

Washburn, Ebenezar

  • CA QUA01136
  • Personne
  • 8 Apr. 1756-12 Nov. 1826

Ebenezar Washburn, a merchant, politician, justice of the peace, and office holder, was born 8 April 1756 in Attleborough (Attleboro), Mass. The son of Simeon Washburn and Jemimah Gary, he married Sarah De Forest, and they had nine children. Upon the death of Sarah, he married Hannah McBride, a widow, in York (Toronto) on 24 Jan. 1803. Washburn died 12 Nov. 1826 in Hallowell (Picton), Upper Canada.

West Durham News

  • CA QUA01147
  • Collectivité
  • n.d.

The West Durham News was a weekly newspaper published in Bowmanville, from 1874 to February of 1901. It was suceeded by the Bomanville news.

Emma Whitehouse

  • CA QUA01148
  • Personne
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Willan, Healey

  • CA QUA01151
  • Personne
  • 1880-1968

Composer and organist, Toronto, ON. Willan was the first non-resident of Britain to be commissioned to write an homage anthem for a coronation.

Résultats 2051 à 2060 sur 12513