Mostrando 12513 resultados

Registro de autoridad

Jackson, Arthur

  • CA QUA01304
  • Persona
  • 1890?-1976

Professor, Faculty of Applied Science, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont.

Jackman, S.W.

  • CA QUA01305
  • Persona
  • n.d.

There is no information known about this collector.

International Typographical Union

  • CA QUA01308
  • Entidad colectiva
  • n.d.

The International Typographical Union was founded in 1869 and was the oldest surviving union in North America as of its dissolution in 1986. It was an industrial union for people involved in various aspects of the printing trade. It was a progressive union who allowed female members to join in 1869, making it one of the earliest unions to do so. The Kingston branch union #204 was the oldest trade union in Kingston at the time of the donation of its minute books and ledger to the Archives in 1964.

Industrial Mortgage and Savings Company

  • CA QUA01311
  • Entidad colectiva
  • n.d.

In the nineteenth century, mortgage companies were an important part of the Canadian banking system, particularly in the period 1879-1883 when they underwent a major period of growth. Income was raised in Britain through the sale of debentures and imported into Canada where it was invested in farm mortgages. Surplus capital was made available for short term lending, a situation which resulted in direct competition with the banks. By the 1890s, Ontario mortgage companies began to invest in the West in the anticipation of settlement there. They also began to shift the focus of their Ontario activities to the cities because of vigorous rural competition and because of the demand by investors in factories, houses, ware-houses, land and stock deals. Industrial Mortgage and Savings was typical of this sort of business. In 1928, the name of the company was changed, and operations continued under the name Industrial Mortgage and Trust Company.

Moore, Jill

  • CA QUA01317
  • Persona
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Queen's University. Department of Alumni Relations

  • CA QUA01321
  • Entidad colectiva
  • 1985-

The Department of Alumni Relations of Queen's University serves as the secretariat for the Queen's University Alumni Association since 1985. At that time the Department reported to the Vice-Principal Institutional Relations. Since 1993, the Department has been part of the Office of Advancement and reports to the Vice Principal Advancement. The Department of Alumni Relations, in partnership with the volunteers of the Queen's University Alumni Association, supports alumni to keep connected with the University and each other through various initiatives. These initiatives include the development of an international network of Alumni Branches, organization of Homecoming and other reunion events, and operation of a student/alumni mentoring program.

Paithouski (family)

  • CA QUA01323
  • Familia
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Dominion Hotel

  • CA QUA01324
  • Entidad colectiva
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Hoffman, Joseph

  • CA QUA01325
  • Persona
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Margaret Henry

  • CA QUA01328
  • Persona
  • fl. 1913-1973

Teacher, Victoria, B.C.

Resultados 2101 a 2110 de 12513