Affichage de 12513 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Salverson, Laura Goodman

  • CA QUA00523
  • Personne
  • 1890-1970

No information available on this creator.

Stevens, Gerald

  • CA QUA00532
  • Personne
  • -1981

Gerald Stevens was an historian and researcher. He died in 1981. He published works documenting early Canadian artifacts, from furniture to glass. His large and definitive study of Canadian glass was finished but not published. It was left to Ralph Hedlin and Heidi Redekop, to collate and edit the manuscript, provide the photographs of the pieces he had identified and push the work forward to completion.

Swanston, Thomas

  • CA QUA00533
  • Personne
  • fl. 1868-1888

Thomas Swanston, of Scottish descent, was a fur trader and employee of the Hudson’s Bay Company for twenty years, 18 of which were spent in the Mackenzie River District, until retiring in 1880. Based on archival notes, he was most likely born in 1849 though whether this occurred in Canada or Scotland is unclear as he travelled from the UK with his mother and three sisters in the summer of 1855, at the age of 6, to rejoin his father in Canada, an employee of the HCB. A note makes reference to his mother and ‘children’ having arrived in Aberdeen, Scotland in the autumn of 1852 from Moose Factory making it reasonable to assume he may have been born in Canada. As an adult he is described as a ‘wealthy and prominent citizen’ who ‘lived in a state with a great many servant in a fine house with extensive grounds and stables, altogether in the manner of an English country gentleman’. He and his wife, who was part Cree, had ‘a great many children’ though all but one passed away early in life. His only surviving child was a daughter named Frances who married a Red River colony McBeth, a family that had settled at Prince Albert during the 1870’s and were distantly related to the author Rev. R.G. McBeth.

West, Mary M.

  • CA QUA00541
  • Personne
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Yeats, William Butler

  • CA QUA00544
  • Personne
  • 1865-1939

No information available on this creator.

Corbett, Beatrice

  • CA QUA00547
  • Personne
  • n.d.

Mrs. Beatrice Corbett is the daughter of Constance MacLean.

Gregg (family)

  • CA QUA00555
  • Famille
  • n.d.

The Gregg family has branches in Scotland, Ireland, the United States, and Canada.
William Gregg was born in Killycreen, County Donegal, Ireland, in 1817. In 1843 he obtained a B.A from Glasgow University and in 1844 an M.A. from Edinburgh. He obtained his licentiate from the Presbytery of Edinburgh in 1845 and committed himself to three years service as a missionary in Canada under the direction of the Presbytery of Kingston. He soon accepted a call to the united congregations of Belleville, Huntingdon and Tyendinaga. The last two became a separate charge within a year and the Rev.Mr. Gregg remained in Belleville from 1847 to 1857. In 1857 he moved to Toronto where he served as minister of Cooke's Church until 1872. He was a member of the faculty of Knox College, University of Toronto, from 1867 to 1895 when he retired. In 1878 he received a Doctorate of Divinity from the University of Honour.
William Rufus Gregg, the eldest son of Rev. William Gregg, became an architect and worked in various areas including Chicago, Montreal, Ottawa, Boston, Detroit, and Albany. he was active in Toronto for over 40 years and was involved in the construction of Bloor Street Church among other projects. He was interested in watching and studying the development of cities and he wrote on several aspects of the history of Toronto.

Résultats 2161 à 2170 sur 12513