Affichage de 12513 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Cameron, John Duncan

  • CA QUA00657
  • Personne
  • fl. 1934

John Duncan Cameron was a lawyer.

Canada (Province). Board of Statistics and Registration

  • CA QUA00663
  • Collectivité
  • n.d.

A wide range of statistical reports were supplied by the Lieutenant Governor to the Colonial Office and to the Legislature. These reports were based on data collected by the Civil Secretary and by the Provincial Secretary and Registrar. By 1821, reporting practices had formalized; the Blue Books of Statistics were produced annually thereafter. The Civil Secretary was responsible for preparing reports enclosed in despatches to the Colonial Office. From 1832 onward, however, the Provincial Secretary was responsible for preparing the Blue Books. After the union of Upper and Lower Canada, the Board of Registration and Statistics, composed of the Provincial Secretary, the Receiver General and the Inspector General, took over the task.
As a result of the prominence of agricultural statistics, the Minister of Agriculture was appointed chairman of the Board of Registration and Statistics, created in 1847. Among its other responsibiliti es, the Board conducted decennial censuses (Hodgetts, pp. 238-239). In 1852, the Bureau of Agriculture and Statistics was created. It exercised loose supervision of voluntary agricultural societies, and extended grants to these societies, by means of Boards of Agriculture for both Canada West and Canada East (16 Vic., Chap. 11). As formally constituted by statute in 1868, the post-Confederation Department of Agriculture was responsible for statistics and the census. (31 Vic., Chap. 53). In 1912, responsibility for the census and statistics was transferred to the Department of Trade and Commerce (Annual Report, 1911-1912, p. 60).

Canadian Railway Club

  • CA QUA00678
  • Collectivité
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Carmichael, Duncan A.

  • CA QUA00682
  • Personne
  • ca. 1885-1961

Student, Queen's University Faculty of Medicine, Kingston, Ont., 1905-1909. Physician. Leader in Tuberculosis research.

Caron, Sir Joseph Philippe Rene Adolphe

  • CA QUA00684
  • Personne
  • 1843-1908

Sir Joseph Philippe Rene Adophe Caron was born in Quebec on December, 24, 1843, son of the Hon. Rene Edouard Caron (Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, 1873-1876) and his wife, the former Josephine deBlois. He was educated at the Quebec Seminary, and at McGill University, from which he received the degree of B.C.L. in 1865.He was called to the bar in Quebes that same year and created a Q.C. in 1879. He entered politics in 1872, when he unsuccessfully contested the constituency of Bellechasse for the Conservative Party. In the following year he succeeded in obtaining election to the House of Commons for the same party in the constituency of Quebec County, which he represented continuously until 1887, when he was elected for Rimouski. In 1880 he became Minister of Militia under Sir John A. Macdonald. For his services in this post during the North-West Rebellion of 1865 he was created K.C.M.G. In 1892 he was appointed Postmaster General, an office he held under the administrations of Abbott, Thompson, and Bowell. In 1896 he was elected for Trois-Rivieres-St. Maurice. He was not included in Tupper's cabinet in 1896 and retired from Parliament in 1900. In 1867he had married Alice, daughter of Charles Francois Xavier Baby. Caron died on 20, April, 1908.

D.H Coghill

  • CA QUA00708
  • Personne
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Hugh Gordon Conn

  • CA QUA00716
  • Personne
  • 1908-1995

Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Department Head of Mechanical Engineering (1946-1963), Dean of Faculty of Applied Science (1955-1963) and Vice Principal - Administration (1963-1970) at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont.

Résultats 2191 à 2200 sur 12513