Affichage de 12513 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Markland, George

  • CA QUA00719
  • Personne
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Coote, George G.

  • CA QUA00723
  • Personne
  • 1880-1959

George Gibson Coote, 1880-1959, was born in Oakville, Ontario. In 1901 he was employed by the Bank of Hamilton and in 1906 was transferred to Nanton, Alberta to open a branch. He managed the branch until 1908 then homesteaded in the area. In 1910 he married Jeanette Louise McKinnon, ?-1951, and they had two sons, Donald H. and George F. He was active on the Council of Local Improvement District No. 8, and joined the United Farmers of Alberta in 1911. He was elected as the UFA Member of Parliament (MP) for Macleod in the 1921 federal election, and was re-elected to Parliament in 1925, 1926 and 1930. He joined the Progressives in the House, and became a member of the "Ginger Group". He was the group's financial critic and actively pressed for banking reforms. He was defeated in the 1935 federal election. In 1936 he was appointed director of the Bank of Canada. He also served as director of the Alberta Wheat Pool, 1936-1952, and secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Chamber of Agriculture, 1938-1939.

Corlett, Albert Vernon

  • CA QUA00726
  • Personne
  • 1899-1970

Albert Vernon Corlett (1899-1970) was head of the Department of Mining at Queen's University from 1948 to 1964. Prior to that time he held various posts prospecting for, and managing, mines. Upon retirement he was engaged as a consultant for technical advice on investment and in arbitrations.

Cummings, Harley R.

  • CA QUA00739
  • Personne
  • 1909-1999

Harley Richard Cummings was born in 1909 in Bond Head, Ontario, the son of Dr. James A. and Mildred Cummings. In 1933, after obtaining an Honours BA from the University of Toronto and graduating from the Ontario College of Education, he began teaching at the Boys' Vocational School and the Glashan Intermediate School and York Street School in Ottawa. In 1942, he was a volunteer education officer with the Royal Canadian Air Force and later became a flight lieutenant. At the conclusion of World War II, Cummings returned to Ottawa and, over the next twenty years, was school principal at a number of schools. Of significant importance is Cummings' book, "Early Days in Haliburton", which he wrote in 1962. It includes an introduction by Ontario Premier Leslie Frost. He died on May 10, 1999.

Eadie, James A.

  • CA QUA00740
  • Personne
  • n.d.

James A. Eadie was a teacher in Napanee, Ontario.

Ferguson, George Dalrymple

  • CA QUA00755
  • Personne
  • 1829-1926

The Rev. George Dalrymple Ferguson (1829-1926) was born in Montreal and was educated at Queen's, Edinburgh, and the University of Halle. He was ordained in 1854 and served St. Andrew's Church in Hawkesbury. He was chairman of Prescott Board of Education. In 1896, he became professor of history and english literature at Queen's College, Kingston and in 1876, professor of languages and english literature at the Royal Military College, Kingston.

Fleming, Sandford

  • CA QUA00761
  • Personne
  • 1827-1915

In 1845, a t the age of 18, armed with a little formal training in surveying and engineering, Fleming emigrated to Canada from Kirkcaldy, Scotland. He completed his engineering education and in 1858, as chief engineer of the Northern Railway, he first proposed a railway to the Pacific. Many years later, he played a leading part in its construction. Nationalist and imperialist of talent, vision and energy, he was responsible for a wide variety of projects central to Canada’s scientific, academic and cultural life. Fleming designed the "Three-Penny Beaver," Canada’s first adhesive postage stamp, in 1851. He also proposed the present system of standard time, by which the world is divided into 24 equal time zones. It was adopted in 1884. He was knighted in 1897 on the occasion of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Sir Sandford Fleming, C.M.G., served as the second Chancellor of Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario (1880-1915). Sir Sandford Fleming College, with campuses in many Ontario locations, was named in his honour.
He died at Halifax in 1915.

Eugene Alfred Forsey

  • CA QUA00765
  • Personne
  • 1904-

Eugene Alfred Forsey was a political scientist and Senator, Ottawa, Ont. Director of Research, Canadian Congress of Labour.

Frontenac Heritage Foundation

  • CA QUA00770
  • Collectivité
  • 1973-

The Frontenac Historic Foundation (FHF) was founded in 1973, as a non-profit organziation to promote the preservation of buidlings that contribute to the heritage of Kingston and surrounding region. Managed by a Board of Directors who are elceted by the members at an annual meeting, the FHF is financed by membership fees and investments from property sales, as well as tax-deductible bequests and financial contributions. The Foundation has acquired and restored a number of properties over the years. It currently owns an early commercial buiding in downtown Kingston. Its work includes the presentation of annual awards for heritage preservation in Kingstoin and the surrounding area, sponsorship of public talks and seminars, hosting workshops on practical aspects of heritage restoration, and assistance with the publication of books and articles on the region's built environment.
In 2002, as a result of declining membership, and in an effort pay more attention to marketing the Foundation's merits, as well as to promote its past accomplishments and future benefits to the residents of the community, and in order to differentiate it from the Kingston Historical Society, Ms. Jennifer McKendry presented a "Notice of Motion" propsoing to change the name from the Frontenac Historic Foundation to the Frontenac Heritage Foundation. After some debate, the membership approved this resolution at its Annual General Meeting in May of that year.

Galsworthy, John

  • CA QUA00773
  • Personne
  • 1867-1933

Novelist and playwright, England.

Résultats 2201 à 2210 sur 12513