Affichage de 12513 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Gibson, Robert

  • CA QUA00777
  • Personne
  • fl. 1900

Robert Gibson was a Cheesemaker at Morven, Ontario.

Gildersleeve (family)

  • CA QUA00779
  • Famille
  • n.d.

Henry Gildersleeve (1776-1851), expert shipwright, came to Bath to participate in the construction of the S.S. Frontenac which commenced in 1815. The S.S. Frontenac was the first stemaboat to operate on the Great Lakes. In 1818 he participated in the construction of the "Queen Charlotte" after which he moved to Kingston. He continued in the shipbuilding trade while also becoming owner and operator of steamboats on Lake Ontario and the Bay of Quinte. The family continued in this business for nearly 100 years entering the steamship merger of 1913. Henry Herchmer Gildersleeve, grandson, continued in active steamboat operation service as manager of Northern Navigation Company until 1930, dying at Ottawa in 1933. His father, Charles Fuller Gildersleeve (1833-1906) had also served for many years as General Manager of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company. Four-time magistrate Overton Gildersleeve (1825-1864) served as the mayor of Kingston in 1855, 1856, and 1861-62.

Gill (family)

  • CA QUA00782
  • Famille
  • n.d.

John MacLeod Gill (1848-1921) and his brother James Gill, owned and operated James Smart Manufacturing in Brockville, producers of hardware, tools, heaters etc. He and his wife Mary Catherine Margaret Purkis Gill had three daughters, Anne, Bessie, and Mary Roberta and a son, Robert. In 1913 Mary Roberta married Rev. Norman MacLeod, Presbyterian minister and moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Brockville.

Glen, Andrew

  • CA QUA00786
  • Personne
  • fl. 1912-1969

Andrew Glen came to Canada from Glasgow in 1912 and began to study socialism. When the First World War broke out Glen was a conscientious objector. He gave up his job when the firm that employed him began making shells. Glen then turned to working as a hired man on a farm. Later he returned to the factory and was exempted from military service. Glen joined the Theosophical Society in 1918 and was made secretary of the Society's Social Reconstruction Group. At the same time he joined the Independent Labor Party of Toronto becoming President in 1921. In 1932 he began to write articles for the Toronto Star and did propaganda work for a new social order. He was an unsuccessful CCF candidate in 1935. By the late 1930's he was disgruntled with the CCF and became a follower of Oswald Mosley and the Nazi Party. He spoke against the Second World War and his papers were seized by the R.C.M.P.

Gordon, Alex MacLennan

  • CA QUA00790
  • Personne
  • 1873-1965

Rev Alexander MacLennan Gordon was a Minister of the Presbyterian Church in Quebec City, Quebec. Born in Ottawa in 1873, he was the eldest son of Queen's University Principal Daniel Miner Gordon and Eliza MacLennan. He served as a senior chaplain in the 4th Canadian Division in WWI. Rev A.M Gordon died in Kingston in 1965.

Gordon, Wilhelmina

  • CA QUA00793
  • Personne
  • 1886-1968

Born in Winnipeg in 1886, Wilhelmina Gordon was one of Queen's University's first full time female instructors, teaching in the English Department from 1909 until her retirement in 1950. In 1887 the Gordon family moved to Halifax where Miss Gordon attended Halifax Ladies College and Dalhousie University, studying Latin and English Literature. When her father, Daniel Miner Gordon, moved to Kingston to become Principal of Queen's University, Wilhelmina resumed her studies at Queen's University, graduating with a M.A and the medal in English in 1905. Having won a graduate scholarship, Miss Gordon went on to study at Bryn Mawr College, 1905-1906, and spent the summer of 1907 at University of Chicago. By 1909 she was back at Queen's assisting and later teaching in the English department. In 1925 she was made an assistant professor of English and five years later became an associate professor. Miss Gordon also devoted a great deal of time to the Imperial Order of the daughters of the Empire. She died in 1968.

Graham, Gerald Sandford

  • CA QUA00797
  • Personne
  • 1903-1988

Gerald Sandford Graham, born in 1903 at Sudbury, Ont., received his education from Queen's University, M.A. 1925, and Cambridge University, Ph.D. 1929. He received a number of academic awards including a Queen's Travelling Fellowship to Harvard University, 1926-1927, the Sir George Parkin Scholarship to Germany, 1929-1930 and a Guggenheim Fellowship to the United States, 1941. He held a number of academic positions including Instructor in History at Harvard University, 1930-1936, Assistant Professor and later Professor of History at Queen's University, 1936-1946, Rhodes Professor of Imperial History at the University of London, 1949-1970 and Visiting Professor of Strategic Studies at the University of Western, Ontario. He authored numerous books and articles concerning military history, international studies and other historical subjects. He passed away in 1988.

Grand Opera House Company of Kingston Limited

  • CA QUA00798
  • Collectivité
  • n.d.

In 1876, after a disasterous fire destroyed many Princess Street buildings in Kingston, Martin's Opera House came into existence in the course of reconstruction. Princess Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria attended the opening in 1879. Twenty years later, in 1899, Martin's Opera House, itself, was gutted in a fire and in its place the Grand Opera House was built and incorporated. Its object was to add to the cultural development of the community by providing a venue for theatrical attractions touring Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto. It continued to operate for twenty years until liquidation in 1919.

Grant, William Lawson

  • CA QUA00803
  • Personne
  • 1872-1935

William Lawson Grant, historian and educator, was born at Halifax, N.S., in 1872, the son of Rev. George Munro Grant. He was educated at Queen's University, Kingston and at Balliol College, Oxford (B.A. 1898). He taught at Upper Canada College and St. Andrew's College, Toronto, 1898-1904. From 1904 to 1910 he was Beit Lecturer in colonial history at Oxford and from 1910 to 1915 taught at Queen's. In 1917, he became headmaster of Upper Canada College, remaining in the position until his death in 1935. During his career he wrote or edited several historical publications, including his father's biography. He was elected F.R.S.C in 1911. In 1911 Grant married Maude Parkin.

Great Britain. Imperial War Museum

  • CA QUA00808
  • Collectivité
  • 1917-

Imperial War Museum, London, England, is unique in its coverage of conflicts, especially those involving Britain and the Commonwealth, from the First World War to the present day. It seeks to provide for, and to encourage, the study and understanding of the history of modern war and "war-time experience." The Museum spans a huge range of activities not only at its main London location but also at its four other branches. The Museum is partially government-funded and also relys on sponsorship and donations.

Résultats 2211 à 2220 sur 12513