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Gregory, Walter Dymond

  • CA QUA00810
  • Person
  • 1860-1939

Walter Dymond Gregory was born at Gaundle Farm, Parish of Montacute, Somersetshire in 1860. Walter's family came to Canada in 1869 and, being strict Quakers, settled among a colony of Friends near Woodstock.In 1882 Gregory began the study of law in Brantford, and in 1884 he came to Toronto where he was to spend the rest of his life as a lawyer. As a strong Liberal, Gregory was active politically and formed a close asociation with Goldwin Smith which lasted until Smith's death in 1910. In 1891 Gregory became Treasurer of the Continental Union Movement, a group that advocated union with the United States and in 1896 he purchased the Farmer's Weekly Sun, to which Goldwin Smith contributed a weekly column. In 1922 Gregory was appointed Royal Commissioner to investigate irregularities in the administration of the Brantford Police Force. In the same year he was made chairman of an Ontario Government Commission to examine the financing and management of the Queenston-Chippawa Power Development. Gregory died in 1939.

Grube, George M.A.

  • CA QUA00813
  • Person
  • 3 Aug. 1899-13 Dec. 1982

George Maximilian Antony Grube was born in Antwerp, Belgium on August 3, 1899. He went to England during World War I and served as an interpreter with the British army. He later studied Classics at Cambridge University and received his B.A. in 1922 and his M.A. in 1925. From 1923 to 1928 he taught at the University of Wales. In 1928 Professor Grube moved to Canada and was appointed Professor of Classics at Trinity College, University of Toronto. He was appointed Head of the Classics Department in 1931. Professor Grube is noted for his scholarly works on Classical Greek and Roman philosophies.

Professor Grube also had a keen interest in civic affairs. He was one of the founding members of the League for Social Reconstruction and served as the President of the Toronto branch from 1934-35. He joined the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation in 1934 and was elected as the first Ontario C.C.F. Vice-President. He has served as a member of the various national and provincial Executive and Council committees and has written numerous articles explaining and advocating the aims of the C.C.F.-N.D.P.

Guillet, Edwin Clarence

  • CA QUA00814
  • Person
  • 1898-1975

Edwin Clarence Guillet was born in Coburg, Ontario, on September 29, 1898. He was educated at the University of Toronto obtaining a B.A. in economics and political science in 1922. From McMaster University he obtained a B.A. in English and history in 1926 and an M.A. in history in 1927. In 1960 Queen's University gave him an LL.D. Mr. Guillet taught in high schools for a number of years (1923-1957) and was historiographer for the Ontario Department of Education in 1946. In 1958 he became historian for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. Mr. Guillet was also a very well-known and prolific writer, pricipally about the history of Ontario. He died in 1975.

Harrison, Elizabeth

  • CA QUA00820
  • Person
  • 1907-2001

Elizabeth Harrison (nee Tatchell) was born in London, England in 1907. She studied for seven years at the Brighton College of Art and later worked in the studios of Louis Ginnett, R.O.I. in Sussex and of George Alexander, R.B.S. in Chelsea. She also was employed for four years in the London workshops of Clayton and Bell, the internationally known firm of glass painters. In 1931, she came to Canada and settled in Kingston, where both she and her husband, Eric Harrison were employed at Queen's University. Elizabeth taught in the Department of Fine Arts and was also art consultant to the Kingston Board of Education. Elizabeth Harrison's paintings have been exhibited widely in both Canada and Britain and she has given many lectures and addresses across Canada on radio and television. Elizabeth Harrison was also an author, she wrote of her life experiences in Ottawa during the war years and of her life and interests in Kingston. One of her books, Self Expression Through Art, is now in its second edition. Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison passed away in October of 2001.

Lang, John?

  • CA QUA00825
  • Person
  • n.d.


Lavell, Alfred Edward

  • CA QUA00828
  • Person
  • 1870-1951

Alfred Edward Lavell was born in Kingston in 1870 to Michael Lavell, M.D. and Betsy Reeve Lavell. He was educated at Queen's University and Victoria University, Toronto where he obtained a B.A. and D.D. In 1897 he married Laura Ethel Gillespie of St. Catherines, Ontario. They had two daughters. From 1916 to 1919 he served in World War I. He was appointed Parole Commissioner in 1919 and Provincial Historian in 1932. He was the author of The Convicted Criminal and His Reestablishment, A History of the Ontario Hospitals for the Insane and Mentally Defective, and A History of Penal and Reformatory Institutions in Upper Canada, 1792-1932. He was for eight years a member of the Board of Regents, Victoria University. He died in 1951.

Loyal Orange Lodge (Kitley, Ont.)

  • CA QUA00845
  • Organisation
  • n.d.

Loyal Orange Lodge #1042 (Perth Road) was established approximately in the mid-19th century. It was situated in Kitley Township in Leeds County, Ontario.

Loyal Orange Lodge (Newboro, Ont.)

  • CA QUA00847
  • Organisation
  • n.d.

Loyal Orange Lodge #183 (Schomberg) was established in the mid-nineteenth century in Elgin, Ontario. Loyal Orange Lodge #127 (Newboro, Height of Land no Surrender) was established in the mid-nineteenth century in Newboro, Ontario.

McCann, James Joseph

  • CA QUA00850
  • Person
  • 29 March 1886-11 April 1961

James Joseph McCann was a physician and politician from Renfrew, Ontario. He was born at Perth, Ontario on March 29, 1886. He attended Perth public and high schools and studied medicine at Queen's University, graduating in 1909. After working for two years as a medicial practitioner with the Canadian Pacific Railway in Sudbury, Ontario, he did post-graduate work at the University of Chicago, where he was connected with the Cook County Hospital. He married Ceclia Devine in 1913 (deceased 1941). He married Blanche Hélène Desjardins of Luskville, Quebec in 1943.

For more than 30 years, Dr. McCann was Coroner for Renfrew County, and Medical Health Officer for the town of Renfrew. He was president of the Ontario Health Officers' Association in 1934, and president of the Canadian Public Health Association in 1935. He represented Canada at the International Medical Conference in Atlantic City in 1942, was Chairman of the Canadian delegation to the World Health Organization in 1950, and Vice-Chairman of the Canadian delegation to the United Nations in 1955.

He was first elected to the House of Commons as a Liberal member for Renfrew in the general election of 1935, and was re-elected for five consecutive terms until his defeat in 1957. Throughout his political career, he served as Minister of National War Service (1945-1948), Minister of National Revenue (1945-1957) and Minister of Mines and Technical Surveys (1950). He was responsible for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), National Film Board (NFB) and the Division of Government Office Economies Control.

Dr. McCann passed away 11 April 1961.

McDonald, Alexander Hamilton

  • CA QUA00854
  • Person
  • 1919-1980

The Honourable Alexander Hamilton McDonald (1919-1980) was born at Fleming, Saskatchewan. He was educated at Moosomin College and served as a Flight Lieutenant in the R.C.A.F., 1940-1945. In 1948, Mr. McDonald was elected to the Saskatchewan Legislature. He became the leader of the Liberal Party in Saskatchewan (1954-1959) and was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Deputy Premier in 1964. In 1965 he resigned as an M.L.A. and was appointed to the Senate that same year where he became Assistant Leader of the Government in 1968 and Chief Whip a year later. Senator McDonald was a strong supporter of NATO and was active in the Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association from 1955, serving on both the executive and several committees as well as participating in conferences. He also participated in the North Atlantic Assembly, the annual meeting of members of parliament from NATO countries. Senator McDonald died suddenly in 1980.

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