Affichage de 12513 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Martin, William Melville

  • CA QUA00900
  • Personne
  • 1876-1961

The Honourable William Melville Martin, the second premier of Saskatchewan, was born at Norwich, Ontario in 1876, the son of the Reverend W.M. Martin and Christina Martin. The Reverend Martin was a Presbyterian clergyman and a member of a family which had long been identified with the industrial, political and social life of the county of Wellington, Ontario. William Melville received an honours degree in classics in 1898 and after attending Normal School he taught classics at the high school at Harriston, Ontario. In 1901 he began the study of law at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, winning scholarships in 1902 and 1903. In the fall of 1903 he moved to Regina where he entered the law firm of his cousin, James Balfour. In 1908 Mr. Martin accepted the nomination for the Regina Federal constituency and was elected Member of Parliament in the 1908 general election. He was returned to Parliament in the 1911 general election. In 1916 Mr. Martin was called on to lead the Saskatchewan Liberals when the Honourable Walter Scott retired from office. On November 13, 1916, he was elected by acclamation to the Legislative Assembly representing the Regina Constituency and he successfully contested that seat in 1917 and 1921. Besides being the Premier of the province, Mr Martin also held the cabinet posts of Minister of Education, President of the Executive Council, Minister of Railways, Attorney General, and Minister of Telephones and Telegraphs. He retired from politics in 1922 to become a judge of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal. From 1941 to 1961 he served as Chief Justice of Saskatchewan.

Medical Wives' Society of Kingston

  • CA QUA00905
  • Collectivité
  • 1947-1982

The group was formed by wives of medical and dental practitioners, many young, new to Kingston and intent on building up professional careers disrupted by the Second World War. The wives met for fellowship and the association began in 1947, culminating in the organization in 1948 of the Junior Women's Aid of the Kingston General Hospital, headed by Mrs. Charles Danby, the prime organizer. In 1950 the group decided to broaden the scope of their activities and to raise money, by their activities, for the needs of sick children, although over the years it was broadened to include other community needs. Membership was extended to include wives of practitioners at Hotel Dieu Hospital and, eventually, all the Kingston area. By the late 1970s the Society was raising and distributing over $10,000 annually. A decline in membership became evident in the late 1970s as members had less time for volunteer work and government assistance to social agencies increased. In 1982 the letters patent of incorporation, issued in 1950, were surrendered and the Society disbanded.

Miller, Willet Green

  • CA QUA00911
  • Personne
  • 1867-1925

Born at Norfolk County, Ontario in 1867, Willet Green Miller was educated at the University of Toronto (B.A. 1890) and later he held junior appointments in the University of Toronto, Queen's University and at Chicago, Harvard and Heidelberg Universities. In 1896 he entered the employ of the Government of Ontario as a geologist and in 1902 he was appointed provincial geologist. He had a great deal to do with the development of mining in Ontario in the period that followed. He died at Toronto in 1925.

M.J. White Hardware Store

  • CA QUA00914
  • Collectivité
  • n.d.

M.J. White Hardware Store operated in Westport, Ontario.

Mowat, Herbert Macdonald

  • CA QUA00925
  • Personne
  • 1862-1928

No information available on this creator.

Murdock, James

  • CA QUA00928
  • Personne
  • 1871-1949

James Murdock (1871-1949) was Vice President of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen (1905-1921), Minister of Labour (1921-1925) and Senator (1930-1949).

Nicols, Matthew

  • CA QUA00941
  • Personne
  • 1820-1854

Matthew Nichols was born in 1820 in Ireland. During the 1830's he was a circuit-riding minister in central Ontario. He died of cholera at the age of thirty-three.

O'Connor, Francis Xavier

  • CA QUA00951
  • Personne
  • 1886-1971

Francis Xavier O'Connor (1889-1971) was born in Kingston. He graduated from Queen's University with an M.B. in 1914, had a fellowship in Pathology in 1914, and graduated with an M.D.C.M. in 1915. That year he enlisted and served in England, Egypt, and France with No. 5 and No. 7 Canadian Hospitals. In 1921 he went to New York to the Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital for post-graduate work. He practiced for a time in New Jersey before returning to Kingston in 1929 where he practiced his specialty until retiring in 1969.

Résultats 2241 à 2250 sur 12513