Showing 12513 results

Authority record

Committee for an Independent Canada

  • CA QUA00713
  • Corporate body
  • 1970-1981

The Committee for an Independent Canada (CIC) was created in 1970 to further the cause of economic nationalism in Canada. The Committee was the brainchild of former Liberal Finance Minister Walter Gordon, University of Toronto economist Abe Rotstein, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Toronto Star Peter C. Newman. The CIC endeavored to mobilize a strong show of public support to force the government to take a firm stand against the flow of foreign capital into the Canadian economy. The means to this end was a national petition drive under the direction of Flora MacDonald, who conducted a national tour to establish local chapters to gather signatures. The petition in the spring of 1971 was a major success leading to an audience with Prime Minister Trudeau. The original trio soon expanded and the creation of the Committee was formally announced in September, 1971, with publisher Jack McClelland, and the editor of Le Devoir Claude Ryan as Co-Chairmen. The Committee was solidified as a national organization at their first national conference in Decenber, 1971.By the late spring of 1972 the organization had upwards of thirty-five local chapters.After the creation of the Foreign Investment Review Agency the CIC faced a crisis of the future in terms of direction and finances. Eventually the CIC was unable to sustain itself and after 1975 began to flag. Several attempts were made, unsuccessfully, to revive the organization which finally ceased operation in August 1981.


  • CA QUA08461
  • Corporate body
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Community broadsheet

  • CA QUA08761
  • Corporate body
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Composers, Authors and Publishers Association of Canada

  • CA QUA12260
  • Corporate body
  • 1945-1989

The Composers, Authors and Publishers Association of Canada was a Canadian copyright collective for the right to communicate with the public and publicly perform musical works. CAPAC administered these rights on behalf of its members (composers, lyricists, songwriters, and their publishers) and those of affiliated international organizations by licensing the use of their music in Canada. Royalties were paid to the music creators after administration costs were deducted to pay for the operation of CAPAC.

CAPAC was established as a subsidiary of Great Britain's Performing Rights Society (PRS) under the name the Canadian Performing Rights Society (CPRS) in 1925. Its initial purpose was to administer the royalties of composers, lyricists and music publishers whose creations were performed in Canada, be they native Canadians or foreigners. The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers bought partial ownership of the CPRS in 1930. In 1945 CPRS became CAPAC through the Supplementary Letters Patent. In 1989 the organization merged with the Performing Rights Organization of Canada Limited to form the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada.

Compton Mackenzie, Sir

  • CA QUA08692
  • Person
  • 1883-1972

No information available on this creator.

Compton, Anna Rockwell

  • CA QUA06331
  • Person
  • 1853-1928

Anna Rockwell Compton was a portrait painter, born in Port Hope, Ontario.

Conant, Thomas

  • CA QUA00074
  • Person
  • 1842-1905


Concordia University

  • CA QUA08586
  • Corporate body
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Condé, Carole

  • CA QUA02773
  • Person
  • 1940-

Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge live and work in Toronto, Ontario. They were located in NewYork from 1969-1976 where their earlier work was grounded in the conceptual art movement of the late 1960s and took the artistic form of sculpture. By the late '70s their art began to focus on social issues which were explored through a process that allowed their subjects to become participants in the work. Condé and Beveridge have defined their photo-based art practice around the facilitation of dialogue among diverse communities and networks, exploring the concept of dialogue as a form of socially engaged art practice.
Their work attempts to bridge two audiences: working people and those in the arts. Condé and Beveridge are considered pioneers in the development of the staged fictional format of documentary photography. They have collaborated with various trade unions and community organizations in the production of their staged photographic work over the past 30 years. Their practice has developed over the the years and extended past this form as they developed a process of visual workshops in which community members collaborate in developing the form of the work and act in the final images.
Their work has been exhibited across Canada and internationally in both the trade union movement and art galleries and museums. They are active in several labour arts initiatives including the Mayworks Festival in Toronto and the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre in Hamilton, Ontario.

Results 2311 to 2320 of 12513