12513 Treffer anzeigen


Anderson, James

  • CA QUA00321
  • Person
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Kirkpatrick, Mary Ann

  • CA QUA00326
  • Person
  • 1767-1833

Mary Ann Kirkpatrick, nee Sutton, of Coolmine House, Dublin, Ireland was married to Alexander Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Kirkpatrick and her husband had thirteen children: Elizabeth, Margaret, Anne, Alexander, George, Catherine, Mary, Francis, Lydia, Thomas, William, Joseph, and Stafford Frederick. She died in 1833.

MacPherson, John

  • CA QUA00328
  • Person
  • n.d.

Student, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont.

Campbell, Malcolm

  • CA QUA00338
  • Person
  • n.d.

Student, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont.

Drummond, Francis Arthur

  • CA QUA00349
  • Person
  • 1855-1936

Student, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. B.A. 1877. Accountant and Navigator (freshwater).

Lavell, Cecil

  • CA QUA00361
  • Person
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Lewis, Stephen

  • CA QUA00363
  • Person
  • 1932-

Leader of the New Democratic Party of Ontario, Toronto, Ont.

Lynne Marks

  • CA QUA00366
  • Person
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Oman, Charles William Chadwick

  • CA QUA00370
  • Person
  • 1860-1946

Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman was a foremost military historian; his most notable works are A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages (1898, rev. ed. 1953); its companion study, A History of the Art of War in the Sixteenth Century (1937); and his exhaustive History of the Peninsular War (7 vol., 1902–30). His History of Greece (1888) and History of England before the Norman Conquest (1910, 8th ed. 1937) are standard works, but almost entirely concerned with political and military history. He was a member of Parliament (1919–35) for the University of Oxford and was knighted in 1920.

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