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Authority record- CA QUA02054
- Person
- n.d.
Dr. Adèle Crowder is a Professor Emeritus in Biology at Queen's University and the former Curator of the Fowler Herbarium.
- CA QUA12042
- Corporate body
- n.d.
Crowe Bros. Importers was a printer active in Truro NS.
- CA QUA01728
- Family
- n.d.
In 1831, the Rev. John Brooks Crowe settled in the Trenton, Ontario area. By the time of his death in 1869, he had become one of the more prosperous and influential citizens of both Trenton and Frankford regions. His youngest son, George, became one of the premier contractors and builders in the Trenton district. Among the buildings bearing his imprint are the paper mills at Frankford and Glen Miller, as well as the Anglican Churches at Workworth and Trenton.
George Crowe's eldest son, Dr. Walter Brooks Crowe, built a large and flourishing practice in the town of Trenton, after obtaining his medical degree from trinity College, Toronto. In 1901 he married Alice May Stevenson, the daughter of Dr. John Alexander Stevenson, a promonent physician in Trenton, who had paracticed earlier in Frankford, after he too, graduated from the University of Toronto.