Mostrando 12513 resultados
Registro de autoridad- CA QUA05823
- Persona
- 1886-1968
Arthur R. Ford graduated from the University of Toronto in 1903. He went on to become an alderman for Ottawa City Council, a position from which he resigned in order to accept the position as editor of the London Free Press. Mr Ford was a Parliamentary correspondent of the Winnipeg Telegram, and correspondent for the Toronto News and London Times and editor in charge of the Morning Journal, Ottawa. He became a member of the Board and Chancellor at the University of Western Ontario. He received an LLD from the University of Toronto in 1949.
Ryerson Press. Manufacturing Dept
- CA QUA05826
- Entidad colectiva
- n.d.
No information available on this creator.
Resultados 2571 a 2580 de 12513