Affichage de 12513 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Queen's University. Facilities

  • CA QUA02033
  • Collectivité
  • n.d.

Physical Plant Services, formerly known as Campus Engineering Services, was established in 1995. In early 2021, it was rebranded as Facilities. It is responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of the University buildings, grounds and infrastructure. It also supplies a wide variety of services (heat, water, gas, oil, and sewage) to the University, as well as steam heat to three local hospitals and most campus residences. It reports to the Vice Principal (Finance and Administration).

Hay, George W.

  • CA QUA02036
  • Personne
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Blake, E. Diana

  • CA QUA02037
  • Personne
  • -1975

Librarian, Douglas Library, Queens's University, Kingston, ON.

Smith, Walter MacFarlane

  • CA QUA02041
  • Personne
  • n.d.

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Queen's University, Kingston, ON.

Queen's University. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  • CA QUA02046
  • Collectivité
  • 1928-

The Queen's University Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology traces its history to the founding of the Faculty of Medicine in 1855, when J.P. Litchfield was appointed Professor of Midwifery and Forensic and State Medicine. When Queen's officials discovered to their shock that Litchfield was not qualified to teach midwifery - indeed, he had never even attended a birth - they removed him from his post.

He was replaced in 1861 by Michael Lavell, who held the post of Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. Obstetrics and Gynaecology were taught in conjunction with Children's Medicine until well into this century. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology was established as a separate unit in 1928.

Today, the department is centred in Kingston General Hospital, where practising faculty provide care for patients, conduct research, and teach. Major changes over the years include the expansion of pre-natal care and the development of a birthing centre in the hospital.

Watts, Ronald Lampman

  • CA QUA02047
  • Personne
  • 1929-9 Oct. 2015

Ronald Lampman Watts was born to missionary parents in Japan. He was educated at the University of Toronto and Oxford, where he graduated in 1954 with a second B.A. in philosophy, politics and economics. He started teaching as a Lecturer in the philosophy department at Queen's University in 1955. Wanting to continue in academia, Watts returned to Oxford in 1959 to pursue a Doctorate degree, which was granted in 1962. When he returned to Queen's he joined the political science department as a full-time member. After several years of teaching and serving in a variety of administrative roles, Watts became Principal of Queen's University in 1974. He held this post for ten years. During his tenure as Principal, Ronald Watts served as one of eight commissioners on the Task Force on Canadian Unity, which was quickly followed by other government appointments including an eighteen-month leave from Queen's, in the 1990's, to serve as an advisor to Prime Minister Mulroney on constitutional questions. Ronald Watts continues to reside in Kingston.

Quarry Press

  • CA QUA02053
  • Collectivité
  • 1965-

Quarry Press was founded in 1965 on the campus of Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. Quarry Press has established several key lines and series of books - Quarry Music, Quarry Health, Quarry Heritage, New Views on Canadian Artists, Civic Images, and Canadian Children's Classic Series. Other lines include the New Canadian Poets and New Canadian Novelists Series, International Author Series, Out of This World Science Fiction Series, and Canadian Literary Classics Series. Besides publishing 15 regional, national and international titles, Quarry Press also produces three literary magazines -Quarry Magazine, Poetry Canada and Canadian Fiction.

Bader, Alfred

  • CA QUA02572
  • Personne
  • 1924-2018

Alfred Bader was born in Vienna, Austria in 1924. After Kristallnacht he was included in the first Kindertransport from Vienna to Britain in December 1938. In 1940 he was interned in a British detention centre until being transferred to another centre on Quebec's Ile aux Noix later that year; while there he studied for McGill University's matriculation exams, passing them in 1941. After World War II he studied chemistry and engineering at Queen,s University, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in 1945. Emigrating to the United States, he pursued graduate studies at Harvard, earning an M.Sc. in organic chemistry in 1948 and then a Ph.D. in 1949. During a sea voyage to Liverpool that year he met Isabel Overton.

After his studies Bader began work as a research chemist with PPG Co. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 1950-1954, and then became chief chemist for Aldrich Chemicals Company (1954-55), and subsequently its president (1955–81) and chairman (1981–91). He served as president of Sigma-Aldritch Corporation (1975-80) and its chairman (1980-91), then as chairman emeritus (1991-92). Alfred Bader became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1964. He has received honourary degrees from several universities in the United States, Canada and England. Alfred Bader died on December 23, 2018.

Résultats 251 à 260 sur 12513