Showing 12513 results

Authority record

Dardick, Herman

  • CA QUA11525
  • Person
  • ca. 1905-30 Apr. 1991

Herman Dardick, a businessman based in Kingston, Ontario, was born around 1905 in Russia. He opened Artistic Ladies Wear in 1953, located at 94 Princess St. He passed away in Kingston in 1991.

D'Argaville, Brian

  • CA QUA01190
  • Person
  • d. 1987

Professor Brian D'Argaville, art historian, was first trained for the priesthood in the Carthusian Order. He took degrees in philosophy and theology at the Angelicum University in Rome and afterwards his M.A. in Medieval History at the University of Toronto in 1963. He taught at the Department of Art, Queen's University, for sixteen years and in 1968-69 was awarded a Canada Council Research Fellowship to commence a catalogue-monograph on Mattia Preti, an undertaking which was still occupying him at the time of his death and which remains unpublished.

Darlene Cousineau

  • CA QUA03628
  • Person
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Darlene James

  • CA QUA03949
  • Person
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

Darlene Madott

  • CA QUA09334
  • Person
  • n.d.

No information available on this creator.

d'Arles, Henri

  • CA QUA04832
  • Person
  • 1870-1930

No information available on this creator.

Darling (family)

  • CA QUA01777
  • Family
  • n.d.

Thomas Darling (1814-1883) was born in Berwick, Scotland and came to Canada in the 1830s. In 1845 he established a business as a merchant in Lansdowne, Ontario and supplying wood to steamers at Darlingside, on the St.Lawrence River. A second store was established in 1871, staffed by Darling's oldest son, John. In 1883 Thomas Darling died and was survived by three sons - John David William, Thomas John and George Henry - who carried on the family business with some diversification. Thomas and John continued in the store while George specialized in imported teas he sold through travelling agents. There are no records of the sale of wood after 1883. Beside their commerce, the family owned and managed considerable property in the St. Lawrence and in the early twentieth century purchased and mortgaged property in Alberta.

Darling, Ralph

  • CA QUA11682
  • Person
  • fl. 1935

Ralph Darling was a student in the School of Mining at Queen's University.

Darryl Hine

  • CA QUA09232
  • Person
  • 1936-

No information available on this creator.

Results 2611 to 2620 of 12513