Quebec (Province). Ministère de l'Éducation
- CA QUA07781
- Corporate body
- n.d.
No information available on this creator.
Quebec (Province). Ministère de l'Éducation
No information available on this creator.
Quebec. Court of General Quarter Sessions Montreal
No information available on this creator.
Mr. Philip Quattrocchi (1919-1997) was born in Termini, Italy, near Palarmo. His family sailed for America around 1920 and moved to Belleville, Ontario in 1923. A few years later the family moved to Perth, Ontario where Phil's father started a fruit business. Times were rough and Phil left school at the age of fifteen to help in the family business. In 1939, Phil joined the RCAF and served in this capacity throughout World War II. At the end of the war Phil returned to Canada where he settled in Kingston and set up a fruit business of his own. Between 1952 and his death Phil Quattrocchi was involved in many projects for the community of Kingston and district. Among other projects, he was involved with fund raising for the Canadian Cancer Society (1952-57), Vietnamese Boat People (1979), earthquake victims in Friuli, Italy (1976), and the Hotel Dieu Hospital. He was a representative for the Italian Consulate (1960-80) and Founder of the Kingston Winter Carnival (1963). In 1989 he was awarded the Ontario Medal of Citizenship for work with local prison inmates - providing them with jobs and support for over twenty-five years. He is, perhaps, best known to Kingstonians for his active role as founder, in 1969, of Historic Hockey - a re-enactment of the 1886 hockey game between Queen's University and the Royal Military Academy. He died enexpectedly in a motor vehicle accident in 1997.
No information available on this creator.
Quarry Press was founded in 1965 on the campus of Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. Quarry Press has established several key lines and series of books - Quarry Music, Quarry Health, Quarry Heritage, New Views on Canadian Artists, Civic Images, and Canadian Children's Classic Series. Other lines include the New Canadian Poets and New Canadian Novelists Series, International Author Series, Out of This World Science Fiction Series, and Canadian Literary Classics Series. Besides publishing 15 regional, national and international titles, Quarry Press also produces three literary magazines -Quarry Magazine, Poetry Canada and Canadian Fiction.