Discrete Item F2816 - Bobolinks at the Reaping

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Bobolinks at the Reaping

Level of description

Discrete Item

Dates of creation area


  • 20 Aug. 1946 (Creation)
    Robb, Wallace Havelock

Physical description area

Physical description

3 p.

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Wallace Havelock Robb, poet, author, and naturalist, was born in Belleville, Ontario in 1888. After serving in World War I, he entered business until 1921. He then went to the United States as a writer and bird photographer. An encounter with Edward, ... »

Scope and content

Item is a typescript copy of the poem "Bobolinks at the Reaping" and a letter from Robb to Miss Clara A. Martin (20 Aug. 1946).

Notes area

Physical condition


Language of material

  • English

Location of originals

2999 (Robb)

Restrictions on access


Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication



No further accruals are expected

Related people and organizations

Location (use this to request the file)

  • Folder: 2999 (Robb)