[Souvenir Folder of Victoria Canada]
- Pièce
- [19--]
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Various scenes from Victoria eg/ parliament buildings, nature scenery etc
The Coast Publishing Co.
59 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
[Souvenir Folder of Victoria Canada]
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Various scenes from Victoria eg/ parliament buildings, nature scenery etc
The Coast Publishing Co.
[Souvenir Folder of The Butchart Gardens]
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Various Scenes from the Butchart Gardens
The Coast Publishing Co.
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Photo of flowers with heading and text explaining the legend of dogwood
Natural Colour Productions
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Aerial view of queen elizabeth park
Natural Colour Productions
[CPR steamer arriving from victoria and seattle]
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Photo of steamer out on the water with mountains in the background
The Coast Publishing Co.
[Stanley Park Entrance to Lions Gate bridge]
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Photo looking down lions gate bridge
The Coast Publishing Co.
[Air Force Garden of Rememberance]
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
View of air force garden
Smith, John
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
View of georgia street looking west showing court house, hotel vancouver, and two other hotels
Natural Colour Productions
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
Photo of giant cedar stump/bottom half of trunk
[Entrance to Lions Gate Bridge]
Fait partie de Kingston and Area Postcards collection
View of lions gate bridge entrance with cars entering bridge. Incription on the postcard reads: "This has been a wonderful trip and not one bit of trouble. "
Gray Line Sightseeing Tours