Item 0048 - Correspondence with George Woodcock

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Correspondence with George Woodcock

Level of description


Dates of creation area


  • 21 May 1959-3 Sep. 1976 (Creation)
    Gustafson, Ralph Barker
  • 1959-1976 (Receipt)
    Woodcock, George

Physical description area

Physical description

Item extent to be completed at a later date

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Ralph Barker Gustafson, poet and professor, was born at Lime Ridge, Quebec on August 16, 1909. He was educated at Bishop's University, earning a B.A. (1st class honours and winner of the Governor General's medal along with many other awards) in 1929 and ... »

Scope and content

25 Typed letter(s) lacking signature, 29 Typed letter(s) signed by the author

Notes area

General note


Control area



Related people and organizations

Location (use this to request the file)

  • Folder: 2095, Box 1, File 88