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Kingston from Fort Henry

Item is an albumen print of the sternwheller 'The Grecian' and a passenger vessel moored in front of the Royal Military College, taken from Fort Henry. Ice floes appear in the waters. The Naval cottages are pictured as the market Battery in front of City Hall.Daily News, June 11, 1864 p.2The New Steamer Grecian - The Inland Transportation Company's new iron steamer Grecian has now fairly taken her place in the line, having arrived here, on her way to Toronto and Hamilton, yesterday afternoon shortly after four o'clock, with flying colors, making admirable time.During her brief stay numbers of anxious sight-seers crowded her saloon to obtain a view of her internal finish, which is highly chaste and ornamental, and in good taste. The interior arrangements are good, and her state rooms, 43 in number, besides additional sleeping accommodation in the lower cabin, are light and airy, well ventilated and capacious.Her speed is said by passengers who arrived on her to be good, and her engines work admirably; and she seems to bid fair, as intended, to be the fastest boat of the line. Her exterior appearance is really fine.Her bow is sharp, and she looks narrower than she really is, owing to her extreme length. In fine, the Grecian is a model of architectural neatness and skill, and will no doubt be the pet steamer on these waters. She is commanded by Captain Clark Hamilton.Daily News, Dec. 5, 1865 p.2The Steamers - The steamer Bay of Quinte towed over to the Navy Yard this morning the steamers Kingston and Grecian, where they are to be laid up for the winter. The Passport will have her winter quarters where she now lies at the St. Lawrence Wharf.Daily News, April 3, 1866 p.2THE VESSELS AND THE WHARVES... Only three of the Company's steamers were laid up here last fall - the Passport at this particular wharf, and the Kingston and Grecian at the Navy Yard below Fort Henry; the remaining boats lie at Montreal. The two latter are having the usual spring work done upon them, and the painting is nearly completed...Daily British Whig, April 17, 1866 p.2St. Lawrence Wharf - The Royal Mail Line - The Canadian Inland Navigation Company promise this season greatly increased facilities for freight and passengers. They run their splendid steamers - Spartan, Capt. Thos. Howard; Grecian, Capt. Hamilton; Kingston, Capt. Dunlop; Passport, Capt. Kelly; Magnet, Capt. Fairgrieve; Champion, Capt.Sinclair, - in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway and Steamboat Lines, calling at Kingston every morning bound downwards, and every evening going upwards. The steamers with one exception are iron ones,A-1 first class, and are eminently fitted for the route, being specially built for service between Hamilton and Montreal, and officered by experienced captains. The Company having purchased the well known steamer Banshee, which ran in connection with the Royal Mail Line for many years, have rebuilt her in Montreal, under the superintendence of Mr. Curry, fitting her out again in a superb style, at a cost of $10,000. She serves as a spare boat, - very handy at times - and will probably take the place of the Magnet, while she proceeds to the Saguenay. Owing to the late season, and the lowness of the water in the St. Lawrence River, the steamers of the Line will not commence their regular trips until after the first of May, though this is quite early for a climate like Canada's. The Kingston, Grecian and Passport are fitting out in this port - the two former at H.M. Dockyard, the latter at the St. Lawrence Wharf - and the rest in Montreal. The steamers have been painted and refitted in a handsome manner, and are the very essence of neatness and good trim. In addition to the ordinary outfit, the Passport has been thoroughly renovated from stem to stern, offering increased saloon and deck accommodation. A gentlemen's cabin has also been fitted up in what was formerly a freight hold. The repairs have been extensive and kept a number of workmen constantly engaged since the close of navigation last fall. It is expected the Government will make a good shift of Government stores when these steamers get started, and probably they may have as much work as they can attend to. Whatever may be the upshot the Royal Mail Line must expect a prosperous season.Daily News, May 18, 1869 p.2Accident To The Grecian - Beauharnois, May 18th - The steamer Grecian struck on Split Rock this morning and sunk in twenty feet of water.Passengers all safe. She now lies opposite Biscon Point, about six miles west of here.Daily News, May 21, 1869 p.2THE WRECK OF THE STEAMER GRECIAN. On Tuesday, about half-past twelve p.m., as the steamer Grecian was entering the rapid known as the Split Rock, above the Cascades, she struck on the reef to the south side. Finding that she was making water, the captain told the pilot to run her ashore, but she sunk so rapidly that this was impossible. She now lies nearly in mid-channel, abreast of Round Island, in 13 feet of water.There was considerable confusion on board for a time, but this soon moderated, and quiet was restored. The women and children belonging to the Royal Artillery, numbering about 120, were first landed, afterwards some eighty men, all of whom arrived safely in Montreal the same evening. Last night, about 6 o'clock, the remainder of the battery under the command of Col. Radcliffe, arrived in port by the steamer Aurora. Capt. Howard, who fortunately was on board at the time of the accident, speaks in the highest terms of the self-possession and coolness of, and the great assistance rendered by, Col. Radcliffe and the officers and men under his command, at this critical juncture. The Canadian Navigation Company have sent a powerful steamer to go alongside the Grecian and take on board the baggage, which is expected to be in town in a few days. No expense will be spared by the Company to save the baggage. Unfortunately at the wreck one man was drowned some few hours after the accident occurred, he having been placed under arrest for bad conduct. When the sentry was removed he jumped overboard and attempted to swim ashore. It is likely that the steamer will prove a total wreck. She was insured in eight offices for $40,000. [Montreal Herald]

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