Graphic material



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Graphic material

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Graphic material

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Graphic material

55 Archival description results for Graphic material

55 results directly related Exclude narrower terms


A Wanted Poster for Donald "Mickey" McDonald alias Michael McDonald alias John Allan Ross, escapee from the Kingston Penitentiary on August 17, 1947.


Opera House programme dated 11 July 1889 listing all of the actors for "Leo, The Cadet".


New Year's Address Broadside. 'An elegant example of the use of printers' ornaments to compose the framework for a lengthy piece of verse'.


Bond Head Proclamation. Lieut.Gov.'s Proclamation of reward for capture of W.L. Mackenzie & band, 1837


Proclamation of a day of Public Fasting, May 16,1812. Issued by Major General Isaac Brock.


Auctioning of sections of Lot No.1, connected with proposal for damming Cataraqui River, a scheme which was eventually abandoned.


Advertisement for "Daguerreotype Portraits by William Hale" dated 6 September to 10 September 1844.

Caricatures and Cartoons

Item is a photograph of an election cartoon by F.H. Consitt. Inscribed "The Rival Candidates William Morris Esq. and Alex Thom Esq./on the Hustings,Perth, Upper Canada, Wednesday Twenty-eighth July 1828."

F.H. Consitt

Results 1 to 10 of 55