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Haworth, Peter
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Área de descripción
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Peter Haworth (1889-1986), a painter, artist in stained glass and teacher of art, was born in Oswaltwistle, Lancashire, England and decided early on a career in art. He studied at the Manchester School of Art and the Royal College of Art. It was at the Royal school that Peter met fellow student Zema Cogill. He obtained an A.R.C.A. degree from the University of London. In 1923 Peter and Bobs were married and moved to Toronto where Peter's employment as a teacher of art at the Central Technical School would mark the beginning of a teaching career that would last until 1955. Peter and Bobs also shared a career as painters, especially in water colours. At home , they maintained separate studios but frequently showed together at galleries across Canada. In 1943 the National Gallery of Canada commissioned the Haworths to tour Canada painting the war effort, especially at naval and airforce bases. Their painting shows a progression from representational to abstract style.
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- inglés