Athletic Board of Control Plaque
- CA ON00239 F3115-f1
- File
- 1948
Part of Betty (MacRae) Harrison fonds
A plaque presented Betty MacRae for her participation on the women's basketball team in 1947.
Athletic Board of Control Plaque
Part of Betty (MacRae) Harrison fonds
A plaque presented Betty MacRae for her participation on the women's basketball team in 1947.
Part of Betty (MacRae) Harrison fonds
Part of Betty (MacRae) Harrison fonds
Queen's campus and military units
Part of Betty (MacRae) Harrison fonds
File consists of photographs of Queen's campus, military units and Avonmore, Ontario.
Part of Betty (MacRae) Harrison fonds
Photographs from Betty MacRae's time at queen's including the women's basketball team, summer school for physical education teachers, bronze baby, and skating on Lake Ontario.
Part of Betty (MacRae) Harrison fonds
Dance cards, programs and menus from Queen's events.
Part of Betty (MacRae) Harrison fonds
Scrapbook contains dried flowers (corsages), Date Bureau information, and clippings, about basketball, dances, and concerts.