- CA ON00239 F1019-f2
- File
- 1922-1975
File consists of records relating to "Cash Book and Ledger."
File consists of records relating to "Cash Book and Ledger."
File consists of records relating to "Cash Book and Ledger."
Clipping, "Professor Reginald Smails Receives Life Membership", Check Mark, June 1974
File consists of records relating to "Clipping, "Professor Reginald Smails Receives Life Membership", Check Mark, June 1974."
File consists of records relating to "Extracts from Letters: Home by A Young Man Drafted into the Army in Early December 1916 - Then Aged 19."
Reginald George Hampden Smails fonds
Fonds consists of extracts from letters home from overseas during World War One (1916); cash books and ledgers that provide very detailed information about Smails' household accounts; Gold Medal awarded by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (1920); stamp collection concentrating on Canada and Newfoundland, including both mint and used stamps.
Smails, Reginald George Hampden