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Jean McCuaig Smith collection
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Jean McCuaig Smith collection

  • CA ON00239 F1244
  • Collection
  • 1816-1973

Collection consists of scrapbooks, accounts, diaries, photos, etc. of Knapp-Anglin- McCuaig family; watercolour of Fort Frontenac, Tete du Pont; Collection consists of land records relating to Kingston and area families including Derbyshire, Hodgson, Leonard, McLeod, Moon, the Opinicon Ranching Company, and Wiskin; financial records relating to the Knapp family; and subject files relating to the Canadian Women's Chritian Temperance Union, G.A. Stinson & Company, The King Edward Hotel Company Limited, and Japanese student, Toshi Ikehara who studied at Queen's in the 1890s. Also includes a book of pressed flowers from Jerusalem.

Smith, Jean McCuaig