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Description archivistique
Seulement les descriptions de haut niveau Wilson, Ian Edwin
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Ian Edwin Wilson fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1120
  • Fonds
  • 1970-1975

The fonds consists of correspondence and files relating to his work as a member of the executive of the Archives Branch, Canadian Historical Association, the Ontario Historical society and the Society of American Archivists. Includes files relating to his work as editor of Kingston City Hall booklet, 1974. Also included are two copies of the program for the dedication of Abramsky Hall on May 17, 1975. It was given to Wilson by Mr. J.M. Courtright Vice-Principal, Queen's University.

Wilson, Ian Edwin

Kingston's Yesterdays

  • CA ON00239 F1413
  • Discrete Item
  • [1975]

Consists of slides (1673-1920) and tape of lecture by Queen's University Archivist, Ian E. Wilson.

Wilson, Ian Edwin

Heritage Kingston collection

  • CA ON00239 F1131
  • Collection
  • 1970-1973

Collection consists of travellers' accounts of visits to Kingston and vicinity (1671-1900); copies of articles and booklets relating to the history of Kingston and district.

Wilson, Ian Edwin