- CA ON00239 F1811
- Fonds
- 1954-1990
Personal copies of minutes of Public Accountants' Council of Ontario 1954-1988, correspondence file 1987-1990, reports 1962-1980.
W.P Fazackerley
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Personal copies of minutes of Public Accountants' Council of Ontario 1954-1988, correspondence file 1987-1990, reports 1962-1980.
W.P Fazackerley
The fonds consists of ledgers for the company and catalogues.
W.R. McRae Company Ltd.
The fonds consists of accounts related to personal transactions.
Sands, W.W.
Fonds consists of class notes/notebooks taken by Frank S. Young (Meds 1908) and his son F. Malcolm Young (Meds 1941) on various Queen's medical school courses such as pathology, bacteriology, preventative medicine, etc. It also includes laboratory reports and slides. In addition, it consists of the lecture notes and exams taken by F. Malcolm Young to become part of the Queen's University COTC (Canadian Officer Training Corps) in 1939-1940.
Young, Frank Malcolm
Young Men's Christian Association fonds
Three minute books, 1890-1920, handbooks, 1908, 1910.
Queen's University. Young Men's Christian Association
The fonds consists of correspondence from Zoe Vignau and her husband, David C. Low, to Madame Vignau in Boucherville, Quebec. It contains many important descriptions of political and social life in India in the 1820s. It also includes a family tree of the Wattsford-Low families and a copy of Une ville seigneurie Bouchervilles: Chroniques portraits et souvenirs (Montreal, 1890).
Vignau, Zoe