Collection consists of the minute book of the Class of Arts 1896 (1892-1896) including a transcript of the minutes. In addtion, there is correspondence and reports, including a history of the Class of Arts 1896. The original minute book, along with the correspondence and reports, was found in a wooden box that was specifically made to house the minutes. The wooden box is included in this collection.
This collection consists of correspondence and subject files. Almost all of the correspondence is from Lorne Pierce to his sister Sara Chester, but a few letters are from Edith Pierce to Sara Chester. The correspondence for 1943 contains an interesting letter in which Lorne Pierce describes Sir Charles G.D. Robert's funeral and his place in Canadian literary history. The subject files include press comments on Lorne Pierce's 25th anniversary with Ryerson, and articles on his retirement.
Consists of views of United Church of Canada churches in the Kingston area including Collins Bay, Brockville, Elgin, Gananoque, Sydenham and Sharbot Lake and portraits of Rev. W.T. McKenzie and Rev. and Mrs. W.P. Fletcher.
The collection consists of selected records, specifically concerned with the local Mohawk Territory of Tyendinaga, from the Correspondence and General Land records series of the Central Superintendency. Included are letters received at the Toronto office of the Central Superintendency, 1845-1877. Volume 1161 (MF 6096) contains two dockets, dated 1877 dealing with timber rights and treaty registration. Volume 761 (MF 6092) is a record of registered letters received at the Toronto Office, 1868-1871. Volume 1043 (MF 6095) is a register of letters received, 1876-1877; unfortunately, this latter register is only partially accurate. The main set of correspondence is found in Volumes 405-435 (MF 6067-6087). This correspondence has been arranged alphabetically by name of letter author (although not all letters by the same author are filed continuously) within year ranges. As such, the arrangement disregards the letter numbering system originally devised by the records creators and records keepers to manage and retrieve the correspondence. Volumes 740-744 and 746 (MF 6090-6091), collectively, are an Abstract of letters received, which forms an index to this set of correspondence.
Collection consists of correspondence from George Whalley to Cecilia Speight, clippings related to George Whalley, and off-prints of Whalley publications (many signed). Also includes family photographs.