Affichage de 3 résultats

Description archivistique
Lascelles, A. F.
Aperçu avant impression Affichage :

Letter with enclosure, to A. F. Lascelles

  • CA ON00239 F596-S1-f113-2
  • Pièce
  • 2 Jun. 1939-[1939?]
  • Fait partie de John Buchan fonds

Item consists of one typed letter with the author's signature absent (carbon copy), and one set of notes for the Kings speech at Cuildhal.

Buchan, John

Correspondence, with A. F. Lascelles

Item consists of one handwritten letter signed by the hand of the author and one typed letter in response with the author's signature absent (carbon copy).

Lascelles, A. F.

Letter, to A. F. Lascelles

Item is a typed letter with the author's signature absent (carbon copy?).

Buchan, John