Affichage de 9 résultats

Description archivistique
John Coulter
Aperçu avant impression Affichage :

Letter, to John Coulter, Toronto.

Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), requesting approval of contract for publication of book Churchill.

Frank Flemington

Note, with enclosures.

Typed note (mimeograph copy), enclosing poems read during Arts and Letters Club 50th anniversary celebrations; 5 printed poems.

Arts and Letters Club of Toronto

Note, with enclosures.

Typed note (mimeograph copy), enclosing poems read during Arts and Letters Club 50th anniversary celebrations; 5 printed poems.

Arts and Letters Club of Toronto

Note, with enclosures.

Typed note (mimeograph copy), enclosing poems read during Arts and Letters Club 50th anniversary celebrations; 5 printed poems.

Arts and Letters Club of Toronto

Note, with enclosures.

Typed note (mimeograph copy), enclosing poems read during Arts and Letters Club 50th anniversary celebrations; 5 printed poems.

Arts and Letters Club of Toronto

Note, with enclosures.

Typed note (mimeograph copy), enclosing poems read during Arts and Letters Club 50th anniversary celebrations; 5 printed poems.

Arts and Letters Club of Toronto

Note, with enclosures.

Typed note (mimeograph copy), enclosing poems read during Arts and Letters Club 50th anniversary celebrations; 5 printed poems.

Arts and Letters Club of Toronto