11 Treffer anzeigen

Archivische Beschreibung
Maxim T. Gray
Druckvorschau Ansicht:

Letters, Toronto, to Maxim Gray,

  • CA ON00239 F1383-S1-f104-0085
  • Einzelstück
  • 22 Oct. 1945-9 Nov. 1945
  • Teil vonLorne Pierce fonds

4 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), discussing progress of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.

Letters, Toronto, to Maxim Gray,

  • CA ON00239 F1383-S1-f104-0087
  • Einzelstück
  • 22 Oct. 1945-9 Nov. 1945
  • Teil vonLorne Pierce fonds

4 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), discussing progress of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.

Letters, Toronto, to Maxim Gray,

  • CA ON00239 F1383-S1-f104-0086
  • Einzelstück
  • 22 Oct. 1945-9 Nov. 1945
  • Teil vonLorne Pierce fonds

4 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), discussing progress of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.

Letters, Toronto, to Maxim Gray,

  • CA ON00239 F1383-S1-f104-0088
  • Einzelstück
  • 22 Oct. 1945-9 Nov. 1945
  • Teil vonLorne Pierce fonds

4 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), discussing progress of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.

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