Letters, Toronto, to Maxim Gray,
- CA ON00239 F1383-S1-f104-0085
- Item
- 22 Oct. 1945-9 Nov. 1945
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
4 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), discussing progress of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.
Letters, Toronto, to Maxim Gray,
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
4 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), discussing progress of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.
Letters, Toronto, to Maxim Gray,
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
4 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), discussing progress of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.
Letters, Toronto, to Maxim Gray,
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
4 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), discussing progress of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.
Letters, Toronto, to Maxim Gray,
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
4 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), discussing progress of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.
Letter, Toronto, to Maxim T. Gray, Niagara
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), stating committee assigned to organize Kirby collection started task.
Letter, Toronto, to Maxim Gray, Niagara Falls,
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), requesting luncheon appointment to discuss progress on organization of Kirby collection.
Letter, Toronto, to Maxim Gray, Niagara Falls,
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), discussing details of final disposal of Kirby Collection in repositories.
Letter, Toronto, to Maxim Gray, Niagara Falls,
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), acknowledging receipt of letters from Gray and Tunstead in Pierce's absence.
D. Scott, Mrs
Letter, Toronto, to Maxim Gray, Niagara Falls,
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), discussing details of cataloguing of Kirby Collection.
Letter, Toronto, to Maxim Gray, Niagara Falls,
Part of Lorne Pierce fonds
Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), discussing final details of completion of catalogue of Kirby Collection.