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Errol C. Amaron
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Letter, to Errol Amaron.

  • CA ON00239 F1383-S1-f164-0016
  • Unidad documental simple
  • 6 Apr. 1950
  • Parte deLorne Pierce fonds

Typed letter(s) lacking signature (typescript copy), discussing knowledge of Scott family.

Jessie Colby

Letter, to E.C. Amaron, Stanstead, Quebec.

  • CA ON00239 F1383-S1-f155-0010
  • Unidad documental simple
  • 13 Apr. 1950
  • Parte deLorne Pierce fonds

Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), thanking Amaron for trying to find information on W. Scott and inquiring about D.C. Scott's sisters.