Accounts and disbursements, as registered in the Surrogate Court of Wellington County, of the estate of David Kennedy. The document registers monies spent and received over a three year period in the winding up of the estate.
Scrapbooks relating to the American Civil War. Contains news clippings and patriotic cartoons from American newspapers concerning the Civil War and Fenian activities.
Three letters to Miss Johnston from John Buchan, 1927, from John Gielgud in 1936 and from Lucy Maud Montgomery, undated. With Montgomery's letter is a one-page manuscript of The Land of Uprightness. With the Gielgud letter is a clipping about Gielgud.
Autograph album contains autographs and holograph letters from many well-known figures, including Sir Isaac Brock, Lord Elgin, John Keble, John Henry Newman, Bishop Strachan, Lord John Russell, Governor-General Metcalfe and Lord Dufferin.
Fonds consists of records relating to the 10th Field Company, Canadian Engineers, including mimeographed confidential and secret documents; photographs; instructions; maps; orders; and a ration book. In addition, there are seven notebooks for courses at Queen's University and at high school. There is also a pamphlet dealing with a survey of anti-tank mine counter-measures.
List of names and pledged dollar amount to be used towards the building of a town hall and temperance lodge room in the village of Weston 1876; Rebound notebook containing original Constitution, By-laws and Rules of Order of the York Township Teachers Association; Uses of Ammonia; Divine Self-existence; Practical Economy; Minutes from Eglinton 1865, York Mills 1865-1867, Toronto 1866 and Weston 1867 -1870 meetings.
Collection consists of one scrapbook of linguistic study featuring drawings and clippings on many different alphabets and number systems used around the world. Some examples are Hebrew, Egyptian hieroglypics, Phoenician, Arabic, Ancient Etruscan, Gaelic, and Russian.