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Susannah Vena Mildred Bleakley fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1432
  • Fondo
  • 1911-1912

Includes poem entitled 'The Social House.', autographed sheet from Seaforth House and stock certificate for the School of Mines.

Bleakley, Susannah Vena Mildred Bleakley

[Banking certificates]

  • CA ON00239 F1439
  • Discrete Item
  • 1916-1917

Two banking certificates for Alfonso Herbert Theodore Votier, 1916-1917. They were issued by Queen's University and the Canadian Banker's Association.

Canadian Banker's Association

Queen's University. Queen's University Archives fonds

  • CA ON00239 F893
  • Fondo
  • [1968]-2009

Fonds consists of correspondence; administration files; annual reports; reproductions, in 35 mm format of existing photographs held in the Archives, that depict various aspects of University life that were assembled for a formal presentation by the School of Business for the 1993 Orientation Weekend; photographs of the official opening of Queen's University Archives, in the newly renovated Kathleen Ryan Hall, located on the eastern side of the University campus (14 May 1982); of the Fourth Annual Queen's University Archives Lecture, featuring Dr. Donald Swainson as the guest speaker (25 April 1986); of the Sixteenth Annual Queen's University Archives Lecture, featuring Dr. Ian E. Wilson, as the guest speaker (22 April 1989); of the Seventeenth Annual Queen's University Archives Lecture, featuring Dr. A.B. McKillop, as the guest speaker (22 April 1999); of the retirement party for Ms. Mary Day (July 1985); of the ceremony marking the dedication of the Frederick Wellington Gibson Reading Room, Queen's University Archives (March 1993); of the retirement party and dinner held for Mrs. Anne MacDermaid (199?); of the visit to Queen's University Archives by Patrick Watson (1997); of the retirement party for Mr. George Henderson (8 March 2001); of the ceremony establishing the H. Carl Goldenberg Scholarship (November 2003) and of the staff of Queen's University Archives (1995); and sound recordings of the Annual Archives Lectures, along with research and scripts for some of the Lectures (in particular, the 2005 Social History Trolley Tours). Also includes the video production. "The Archival Trail."

Queen's University. Queen's University Archives

Queen's University. Department of Biology fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1460
  • Fondo
  • 1929-1985

Fonds consists of correspondence and invoices (1929-1932); a history of the Department and Fowler Herbarium; albums of Lake Opinicon Biological Station activities (1945-1953; 1970), with the photographs depicting various persons and activities relating to the Department, including the experimental research station at Lake Opinicon, Ontario; correspondence, questionnaires, research files, oral interviews, photographs, and clippings pertaining to the Department's History Project entitled, "Queen's Biology: An academic history of innocence lost and fame gained, 1858-1965"; records relating to the Group in Eukaryotic Molecular Biology and Evolution (GEMBE) (1977-1981); collection of glass specimen slides.

Queen's University. Department of Biology

Canadian Grain Company fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1469
  • Fondo
  • 1857-1858

Ledger contains come clippings, photographs and sketches.

Canadian Grain Company Limited

Department of Metallurgy fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1484
  • Fondo
  • 1921-1959

Typescript volumes of summer essays (1921-1959) and B.Sc. theses (1951-1959).

Queen's University. Department of Metallurgy

Department of Physiology fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1488
  • Fondo
  • [ca. 1950]-1974

Correspondence, lab notebooks, departmental records, Committee on Academic Planning of Medicine, 1973-1975, correspondence of J.D. Hatcher, lists of personnel; reports and minutes of Joint Committee on Medical Researchof the Ontario Universities and Ontario Humane Society (1964-1968).

Queen's University. Department of Physiology

Queen's University. Faculty of Arts and Science fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1493
  • Fondo
  • 1900-1993

Fonds consists of Faculty lists (1900-1924); tenure files (1970-1980); Minutes of Faculty Board, Board of Studies, Committee of Departments (1913-2005); records, relating to the Queen's National Scholar program (1987-1992); departmental files (1987-1991); Development Sub-committee files (1978-1983); budget and budget working kit files, salary review files (1961-1989); Departmental correspondence and budget files; agenda and minutes of the Committee of Vice-Presidents and Deans (1987-1988); correspondence, reports, lists of participants, evaluations, financial records, promotional material, photographs, clippings relating to the Summer Program for Science Teachers (1985-1993); and lists of the Deans of the Faculty of Arts, 1906 - 1974.

Queen's University. Faculty of Arts and Science

Resultados 1151 a 1160 de 3043