Institute for Economic Research fonds
- CA ON00239 F1498
- Fonds
- 1969-1975
Discussion papers.
Queen's University. Institute for Economic Research
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Institute for Economic Research fonds
Discussion papers.
Queen's University. Institute for Economic Research
Fonds consists of a typescript titled "Conceptions of Canadian nationhood in conflict : Anglophone historians as political propagandists, 1878-1976."
Levitt, Joseph
The fonds consists of a Guest Book, which records 'after church' drop-ins at the MacDonald home on Sunday evenings to 175 Stuart Street, Kingston.
MacDonald, John Ford
Correspondence, 1976, and photocopy of a 1798 journal.
Golding MacKlem
Scrapbooks contains news clippings relating to events and people in Bowmanville, photographs and minutes of the Bowmanville Mechanic Association and Library Association.
Andrew, Reginald B.
Contains material relating to Queen's University and summer school students, 1939-1940.
Lillian Lock
Correspondence, student notebooks, programmes and memorabilia relating to Queen's University.
Mohr, Clifford Bruce
The collection consists of records relating to postage collected and registered mail at the Thorpe, Ontario post office.
Peters, Chester B.
Queen's University. School of Rehabilitation Therapy fonds
This fonds consists of students' reports on the architectural accessibility of various Queen's buildings (1987-1991); information pertaining to publications, special awards, and honours of faculty members (1977); a collection of historical information relating to the School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Department of Rehabilitaton Medicine, and the Regional Rehabilitation Centre for Eastern Ontario (1966-1995).
Queen's University. School of Rehabilitation Therapy
Material gathered from Public and Separate School Boards for his Study of the Role of Supervising Officers in Ontario.
Williams, Thomas R.