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Archivische Beschreibung
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W.P. Fazackerley fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1811
  • Fonds
  • 1954-1990

Personal copies of minutes of Public Accountants' Council of Ontario 1954-1988, correspondence file 1987-1990, reports 1962-1980.

W.P Fazackerley

John Pratten fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1817
  • Fonds
  • 1894-1977

Fonds consists of historical research and photographs of Rockwood Asylum (now Kingston Psychiatric Hospital); professional papers (1960-1976); bound volume of "The Rockwood Review" (1894-1897); staff photographs.

Pratten, John

Queen's University. Queen's Women's Association fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1829
  • Fonds
  • 1939-1989

Fonds consists of the constitution, with amendments; correspondence; minutes; annual and committee reports; membership lists; programmes; bulletins; newsletters; material relating to the 25th (1964) and 50th (1989) Anniversary celebrations; clippings; photographs.

Queen's Women's Association

W.B. Dalton and Sons fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1830
  • Fonds
  • 1818-1952

The fonds consists of ledgers and accounts (1818-1827); shareholders' minutes (1913-1942), letters patent, and investments of W.B. Dalton and Sons.

W.B. Dalton and Sons

Geoffrey Smith fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1837
  • Fonds
  • 1992-1993

Fonds consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, photographs, clippings, memorabilia relating to the campaign 'Principal for the 21st Century'.

Geoffrey Smith

The Writing Centre fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1841
  • Fonds
  • 1984-1987

Fonds consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports relating to the forerunner to the Centre, the Ad Hoc Working Group on Writing Across the Curriculum (1984-1985); correspondence and other material related to the Writing Across the Curriculum Workshop (November 1984); Annual Report (1986-1987).

Queen's University. The Writing Centre

John George Diefenbaker fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1239
  • Fonds
  • 1888-1979

Fonds documents the life and career of the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker. The fonds includes records relating to both of Diefenbaker's careers; that of a respected defence lawyer and as Canada's thirteenth prime minister. The fonds provides information on all aspects of Diefenbaker's political career, including his work within the Conservative Party, as a Member of Parliament, Leader of the Opposition and Prime Minister. These political records document policy development, program initiatives, such as northern development and the Bill of Rights, as well as international affairs, the cold war and government scandals. The fonds contains extensive records pertaining to Diefenbaker's personal life, and that of his family. Olive Diefenbaker's life as a political wife is also well documented. Diefenbaker's strong desire to preserve material relating to his personal history and that of his family has resulted in a comprehensive set of family papers. In addition to records about the 'Chief', the fonds contains a great deal about life in western Canada, particularly Saskatchewan, in the first half of the twentieth century. For example, Diefenbaker's legal records offer insight into the activities of a small town, prairie lawyer in the 1920s and 1930s. The Saskatchewan political scene is captured in these records, and much of the family correspondence depicts the lives of ordinary Canadians trying to build a life on the prairies. Aforementioned textual records have been divided into the following series: Legal series; Pre-1940 series; 1940-1956 series; Leader of the Official Opposition; Family series; Prime Minister's Office: Numbered files, 1957-1963; Reference series, 1957-1967; and PMO unnumbered correspondence series.

Diefenbaker, John George

William C. Dixon collection

  • CA ON00239 F1850
  • Sammlung
  • 1890-1994

This collection consists of 12 glass plate negatives of Wolfe Island people (ca.1890); one photo print of the Wolfe Island Band (1894); one photo print of the Woodman Family (1944).

William C. Dixon

Aros Loudon Maclean fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1866
  • Fonds
  • [1972]-1973

Consists of correspondence, memoranda and other material relating to the 1973 Royal Visit to Kingston.

Maclean, Aros Loudon

Catherine M. Perkins fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1868
  • Fonds
  • 1988-1991

Fonds consists of files relating to her work on several committees of which she was a member (including several sesquicentennial events); visual scenes of Wolfe Island, Ontario, and photos of numerous events held at Summerhill, Queen's University at Kingston.

Perkins, Catherine M.

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