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5 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

John MacLatchy fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2534
  • Fondo
  • 1961-2010

Fonds consists of a videocasettes, DVDs and original 8 mm films of numerous Queen's student activities and events, including football games, reunions, and initiations which took place between 1960 and 1967; gold satin jacket with Science '64 crest on it and a piece of the McGill Goal post from the Nov.11, 1961 game (McGill 15 Queen's 7 is written in marker on the post); photographs from Queen's University "Tricolor '62", University scenes and athletic events; clippings relating to Queen's University, including the 1963 visit to campus by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, as well as an incident involving the theft of a Toronto policeman's hat; "Movies by John MacLatchy: 'Queen's 1960-61'; 'Queen's 1961-62'; 'Queen's 1962-63'; 'Queen's 1963-64'; 'Queen's 2009: 45th Reunion'; 'Queen's Pillar of Wisdom'.

MacLatchy, John E.

Thomas H. Farrell fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2458
  • Fondo
  • 1885-[Photocopied ca. 1990]

The fonds consists of attendance cards and exam cards issued to Thomas Farrell from Queen's University, as well as a photograph of Farrell.

Farrell, Thomas Henry

Hilda Neatby fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2399
  • Fondo
  • 1970-1975

Fonds consists of research notes, drafts, final typescript, and sound recordings relating to Dr. Neatby's work ("'to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield': Queen's University Volume I, 1841-1917") on the offlcial history of Queen's Universty at Kingston.

Neatby, Hilda

Samuel Harkness fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2413
  • Fondo
  • 1861-1909

Fonds consists of deeds documenting land transactions involving Lots 4 and 5, Concession 2, in Kingston Township, Ontario.

Harkness, Samuel

The Bay of Quinte Railway brochure

  • CA ON00239 F2416
  • Discrete Item
  • [ca. 1905]

Brochure for the Bay of Quinte Railway from Deseronto to Bannockburn. The 16 page brochure outlines the highlights of the Deseronto area in the areas of manufacturing and industry, as well as pointing out the scenic attractions for tourists to the area.

Bay of Quinte Railway Company

Jean Hill fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2418
  • Fondo
  • 1911-2002

Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; research material, a copy of Dr. Hill's doctorial thesis; letters of appointment to Queen's University; and various honours and awards bestowed upon her.

Hill, Emma Jean McClure

Science '40 collection

  • CA ON00239 F2419
  • Colección
  • 1980-1985

Collection consists of Reunion photos and an autographed "Q", celebrating their 40th Anniversary.

Science '40

Robert E. Bowley fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2466
  • Fondo
  • 1941-2000

The fonds consists primarily of photographs taken by Robert Bowley of Queen's University, and of various subjects for entry in photograph competitions. Includes aerial views of Queen's, images of Boo Hoo, Alfie, Principal Wallace, Dr. Allie Vibert Douglas, Dr. Frost, Eleanor Roosevelt, Dean Ellis and Raymond Massey. Also includes copies of two books he had written, as well as his diplomas.

Bowley, Robert Eric

Christopher Varley fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2470
  • Fondo
  • 2007-2008

Fonds consists of calendars celebrating the history of the Royal Canadian Navy, entitled, "Canada's War at Sea in Honour of the 60th Anniversary, 1939-1945" and "Naval Operations in Korea, 1950-1953, Royal Canadian Navy" as well as a DVD copy of "UNTD [University Naval Training Division] Queen's: A Quarter Century of Memories" presented at the UNTD Reunion Weekend, held in Kingston, June 2008. The film is a history of the University Naval Training Division attached to HMCS Cataraqui that officially formed in the Fall of 1943, under the command of Lieutenant William Wolfe, a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Queen's University.

Varley, Christopher

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