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Diane Schoemperlen fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2329
  • Fonds
  • 1965-2017

The fonds consists of textual and multiple media records reflecting the literary activity of Diane Schoemperlen. The material spans a 40 year career in writing, teaching and editing and includes: research notes, drafts, manuscripts and published copies of poetry, book reviews, short stories and larger literary works; business correspondence; grant applications; records of readings; teaching material; and miscellaneous other files. There are also a number of records which document the personal life of the writer during late adolescence and early adulthood. The arrangement of the fonds reflects the general order in which the material was received by the archives and includes the following series: Early Manuscript Submissions and Correspondence, Grant Applications, Stories, Essays, and Translations, Early Novel and Short Story Collections, Teaching Materials, Large Literary Projects, Publications, Business Correspondence, Miscellaneous, Correspondence, Young Diane: High School and University, Scrapbook, Old Daybooks/Calendars, Old Journals and Notebooks, Sound Recordings, Moving Image.

Schoemperlen, Diane Mavis

Maynard Gertler fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2964
  • Fonds
  • 1936-2008

Personal papers of Maynard Gertler. Mainly pertaining to his participation in a variety of social justice groups such as Amnesty International, PEN International, the Thoreau Society, Group of 78, Pugwash, Peace Now, and the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms. There is also material reflecting Gertler's letter writing and participation on issues of National Unity in Canada during various French/English debates (referendums, language laws, etc). Also included is some household subject files and personal correspondence.

Gertler, Emmanuel Maynard

Hugh Segal fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2058
  • Fonds
  • 1969-2005

The fonds consists of material created by Hugh Segal over the span of 25 years as a result of his in-depth involvement with the Progressive Conservative Party, as strategist, candidate, and volunteer, in both Ontario provincial and Canadian federal politics. The material relates to major issues such as Constitutional reform and the Charter of Rights, a national 'social contract' and political policy which has guided and affected the citizens and politicians of both the Province of Ontario and the country as a whole. The fonds has been arranged into the following series according to the general file scheme of the donor: Speeches, Correspondence, Personal, Office of the Premier, Ontario Cabinet positions, Private sector, Prime Minister's Office, Early political activity, PC Party - Ontario Government, and PC Party - Federal Government.

Segal, Hugh

André Scheinman fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2499
  • Fonds
  • 1979-2007

The fonds consists of project files, research and reports relating predominantly to the preservation of historic buildings in Ontario. Includes copied and original architectural drawings, photographs of each project site, and correspondence and minutes relating to each project. Also includes some research material relating to papers written by Scheinman, as well as conferences at which he presented.

Scheinman, André

Colin A. Campbell fonds

  • CA ON00239 F609
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1930]-1977

The fonds consists of correspondence of both a polical and business nature, subject files, mining reports and records of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, press clippings, photographs and a large collection of maps. There is also extensive material regarding an arbitration case between Cementation Company (Canada) Limited and International Minerals and Chemical Corporation (Canada) Limited which includes correspondence, transcripts and evidence.

Campbell, Colin A.

Sarah D. Murray collection

  • CA ON00239 F2434
  • Fonds
  • 1837-1944

Collection consists of correspondence; diaries; Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day cards; family accounts and Estate files; calling cards and invitations; pamphlets; recipe booklets; photographs and postcards; 'ladies' magazines; and clippings; largely relating to the Burns and Dowker families

Murray, Sarah Dowker

Lorne Pierce fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1383
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1920]-1961

The fonds consist of correspondence, diaries, prose, sermons, research notes, articles and commentaries, material relating to associations, clubs and organizations, personal materials, scrapbooks, photographs and news clippings. Also includes photographs of the Pierce family and of persons connected with literature and the arts primarily in Canada.

Pierce, Lorne Albert

Ontario Federation of Agriculture fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1688
  • Fonds
  • 1940-[2000]

The fonds consists of minutes, financial records, membership lists, press releases, and photographs relating to the operation and functions of the Federation. There is a separate series of the workings of the Ontario Farm Machinery Agency and well as for the Leeds County chapter (Locator #5060, SR1135-SR1135.5).

Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Alan Caswell Collier fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1758
  • Fonds
  • 1862-1993

Fonds consists of correspondence, financial records, diaries, travel diaries, calendars, sketch books, sketches and drawings, programmes and invitations pertaining to shows and exhibitions, inventories, speeches, awards, miscellaneous and printed material, photographs, slides and sound recordings covering all aspects of his life as a student, teacher, traveller, world-renowned artist and chronicler of the country he loved. There is also a small amount of material created and maintained by Ruth Collier (nee Brown) and some family genealogy files.

Collier, Alan Caswell

Queen's University. Agnes Etherington Art Centre fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1438
  • Fonds
  • 1957-2011

Fonds consists of administrative records (1957-1983); Art Circuit files (1957-1963); Gallery Association files (1967-1972); exhibition files (1957-2011); slides of installations (1971-1991); exhibition photographs (1986-1990); photographs of various events held at the AEAC; photographs of the major renovation and extention of the Art Centre (1998-1999); exhibition catalogues (1970-2007).

Agnes Etherington Art Centre

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