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Charles George Douglas Roberts fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1384
  • Arquivo
  • 1894-1942

The fonds consists of correspondence (1890-1941) to various friends and family, as well as his second wife Joan Montgomery; typescripts, manuscripts and reprints of various poems and prose works; legal papers; photographs of C.G.D. Roberts and his friends and family. Also includes letters from Roberts to M.O. Hammond, photographs, articles by Roberts, as well as microfilm copies of some of the University of New Brunswick's Roberts papers.

Roberts, Charles George Douglas

John Meisel fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1954
  • Arquivo
  • 1950-1982

Fonds consists of correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, reports, subject files, political party materials, and records reflecting four decades of endeavor in numerous areas; correpsondence and MSS relating to articles appearing in the "International Political Science Review"; correspondence and articles relating to various international confereneces attended. The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, Ontario Advisory Committee on Confederation, and the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission are covered in great detail.

Meisel, John

Lloyd Thompson fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1792
  • Arquivo
  • [ca. 1942]-[198-?]

The fonds consists of photographs taken during World War II, his work as a portraitist and photographic artist in Ottawa, and his work as a photographer in Prince Edward County (Ont.). A large series of subject files add background information to the collection, while newsclippings include interviews with Mr. Thompson and articles about his work.

Thompson, Lloyd

Macklem family fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1810
  • Arquivo
  • 1882-1953

The fonds consists of five series of household and personal invoices, 1925-1953, of Professor Oliver Tiffany Macklem and Mrs. Katherine Bermingham Macklem, and a letter pressbook of business correspondence 1882 of Cornelius Bermingham and James Harty of Canadian Locomotive Company. There is also a collection of family photographs and a scrapbook with infant's Queen's tricolour sweater.

Macklem (family)

Algonquins of Golden Lake Claim collection

  • CA ON00239 F2165
  • Coleção
  • [copied 1998]

Collection consists of copies of secondary sources, claims and primary source material pertaining to the Algonquins of Golden Lake land claim case.

Algonquins of Golden Lake

Mary Campeau fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2021
  • Arquivo
  • 2016-2018

Fonds consists of interview transcripts collected for a PhD Thesis on the artist Thomas Clarence Cummings. Includes consent forms for each interview.

Campeau, Mary Bernadette

Heather Burles fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2979
  • Arquivo
  • 1978-2018

Fonds consists of journals, travel diaries, and photographs.

Burles, Heather

Lockyer family collection

  • CA ON00239 F3012
  • Coleção
  • ca. 1900-2006

The collection is comprised of correspondence, articles, telegrams and official military documentation collected and received by Martha and George Lockyer from their son, Chris Railton Lockyer who died on active service (17 August 1917) in the Battle for Hill 70, near Vimy. The collection also includes a number of letters from Alec Lockyer to his parents and siblings. This material was organized by Don Lockyer into two named volumes "Far from Home" and "Somewhere in Europe". The volumes intersperse non-contemporaneous articles and materials framing and contextualizing this material within a larger narrative. Also included are some supplemental letters, photographs and a memorial marker for C.R. Lockyer.

Lockyer family

Francis E. Wootton fonds

  • CA ON00239 F3017
  • Arquivo
  • 1914-2015

Fonds consists of correspondence sent from Europe by Francis Edward Wootton to family during WWI, as well as field manuals and other handbooks for officers. Also includes letters to Ada Scharman (Mrs. Wootton) upon her move to New Zealand, and a box of assorted pins, buttons, shell casings, and a trench knife.

Wootton, Francis Edward

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