100th Anniversary Celebrations
- CA ON00239 F2551-S3-f769
- File
- 2010
Part of Beth Israel Congregation fonds
File contains documents from 100th anniversary celebrations.
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100th Anniversary Celebrations
Part of Beth Israel Congregation fonds
File contains documents from 100th anniversary celebrations.
100th Anniversary Celebrations
Part of Beth Israel Congregation fonds
File contains correspondence and news clippings.
100th Anniversary Celebrations
Scope to be completed at a later date
100th Anniversary of 'Le Devoir'
Part of Peter Milliken fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
100th Anniversary of the First Orange Service in Ontario
Part of Fritz-Green fonds
File consists of records relating to 100th Anniversary of the First Orange Service in Ontario
100th Anniversary of X-Rays in Medicine
Kingston's Maritime - Naval Heritage: H.M.C.S. Kingston; Kingston: The Birthplace of Hockey; Canada's Flag: Kingston Inspiration; Sir John A.: Canada's Father - Kingston Citizen; Old Fort Henry: In Defense of Canada; Queen's University: Excellence in Canadian Education; Kingston City Hall: Early Canadian Capitol; The Kingston Corvettes: WWII Ship Building; Kingston Mills: The King's Mill; RMC: Canada's Military College. A video produced through a Grade 9 Exploration 2 Arts/ Communication course with the assistance of John G. Esford (instructor).
Queen's University. Queen's Television.
100th Annual Assembly, Regina, Saskatchewan
Part of Hugh de Payens Premier Preceptory, No.1, Kingston, Ontario fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Part of Alan Caswell Collier fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Part of Isabel McLaughlin fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
100th Birthday Civic Medallion
Part of Isabel McLaughlin fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date